

She’d been smart to strike at Beck first. The arrow had slammed

into his body the instant they walked into the forest where Liadan had

promised to attempt a locator spell. That wasn’t the spell she had


Beck had easily pulled the arrow from his shoulder, but the

damage was done. The arrow held a spell to pull the magic out of

him. Cian just missed getting hit by the one meant for him. Beck had

quickly succumbed to the spell. All of Beck’s strength had been

sucked from him. What Liadan hadn’t counted on was that it wouldn’t

transfer to her. Beck’s magic had a handy place to go.

It had gone straight into Cian.

Cian’s brain felt like it was going to explode. He wasn’t built to

handle both his and Beck’s magic. Every instinct in his body told him

to hide and sleep. He needed to find safety and lay down so his body

could rest. It was the only way they would survive.

Cian struggled because his brain was processing so much that it

was difficult to concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other.

He took a deep breath and pushed on. Liadan wouldn’t stop to give

him a break. She would follow him until she caught him.

Rain began to fall, and Cian realized he was doing it. Beck’s

magic was his to call upon. Cian willed the storm to become a

hurricane. That would slow the hag down. Cian’s shoulder ached

from Beck’s weight, but he walked through the gale untouched as the

world whipped around him.

He saw a small hunting cabin through the trees and immediately

slowed the winds down. It was perfect, but it wouldn’t be if it was in

chunks of wood because a storm tore it down. Cian made it into the

small structure and gently laid his brother on the dirt floor. His hands