well-defined. People move easily through them. The door to this

plane is hard to find, and I think there’s more than one. I don’t know

why. Some people have gotten through. That’s why we have vampires

on this plane. And, according to the computer, werewolves and

shapeshifters and the Loch Ness monster. She comes from a

waterworld. It’s very sad.”

“Nice,” Dante said. She was taking loony to a whole different

place. “So we have to suspect that this door is here in the city. Is it

open all the time?”

“More than likely not,” Meg explained. “The other doors aren’t

always open. I read that some people can open them at will, but others

have to wait. The door from my village’s plane to the Vampire plane

opens three times a day. I think we can assume the door here is

something like that. It’s somewhere in the city. I don’t think I was out

very long.”

“So there’s a door to a different plane right here in Fort Worth,”

Dante mused. “It can’t be in an office building. Someone would

probably notice something like that. I bet weird stuff happens around

it. It’s a long shot, but this baby is pretty cool.” He pushed the button

that brought up the menu. “I need to run a search.”

“Of course, master,” the computer said with an inviting smile.

“Which pornographic material should I seek out today?”



Dante grinned. “Really? You can do that?” He felt Meg’s stare.

“Nothing like that. I want you to run a search on all strange

happenings in the city of Fort Worth, Texas. Use the human internet,

the primitive, sucky one. Check things like police reports and news

articles and even blogs. I need a list of locations around the city where

strange things happen.”