Then that bitch showed up.

Liadan watched the cottage, trying to come up with a way to deal

with the new problem she had. The “Queen”—she couldn’t believe

these idiots were calling her that—presented a uniquely troublesome


If the legend was correct, there was the distinct possibility that the

twins’ power could be greatly increased by bonding with a strong

mind. While Liadan doubted the human was a truly strong mate, she



didn’t want to take the chance. Beck was strong enough as it was, and

Cian with a Green Man’s powers scared her. If word got back to Tir

na nÒg that the twins were alive and had ascended into their power,

another civil war would follow. She had to stop that.

She felt a warmth at her heels.

“Hello, Ain,” she said with more affection for her black cat than

she had ever felt for another being. She stooped over, and the cat

gracefully leapt into her arms. The cat did more for her than any other

being had.

“There she is,” Liadan said, pointing out their enemy. The

‘Queen’ walked out of the cottage with a dumb smile on her face,

holding Cian’s hand as they walked toward the barn.

It would be simple if she could just kill the bitch, but she was

certain that yesterday Cian had destroyed that plan as well. According

to the gossip from the party the night before, Cian had fully bonded

with the human. If Liadan killed her, there was the distinct possibility

her victim would be able to send the image to her husband.

It was too risky. She couldn’t change forms again, and she didn’t

intend to be revealed as the hag she was when a lynch mob came.

She watched the outcast prince teach his second-rate mate how to