Meg allowed Flanna to pull and prod her into the dress while she

spoke. “Maris was a cold girl, and she would have become an even

colder woman. Beck accepted the betrothal because Beck always

obeyed his father. He convinced Cian to accept it as well, but I know

Cian was worried about actually bonding with her. He would never

have formed a full bond with her, I promise you that.”

Flanna got on the bed to button Meg’s dress up the back. “He was

pretty out of it. I don’t know that he intended to go so far with me.

Beck didn’t.”

Meg watched in the mirror as Flanna put the finishing touches on

the dress. She looked a little like a faery princess. She was a long way

from Fort Worth.

“Don’t let that worry you,” Flanna said, getting off the bed. “Beck

has his reasons. He’s done things he’s not proud of. Give him time.

Let him come to trust you.”

Shaking her head, Meg stood and smoothed the skirts one last

time. Flanna gave her soft slippers for her feet. She had no intention

of bonding with either brother any more than she already had. It

wasn’t fair, but she didn’t intend to give Cian a chance to hurt her.

She would get through the evening and then sit Cian down in the

morning for a thorough discussion of how this “marriage” was going

to work.

In the meantime, she would get used to her new home. From the

sounds of the party going on in the front yard, it seemed as though she

was about to meet the entire village. It was time to put her game face

on and start that learning curve.



She allowed Flanna to escort her to the door. They walked into the

living room. The music was louder out here. The door was open. Meg