Beck shook his head. “It’s not like that, love. This is a tourney.

The gnomes make more money this way. Every male who wants to

purchase you buys into the tourney. We then fight until there’s only

one left standing. That man will be your master.”

“But what if you don’t win?” Meg was now horrified at the

thought. There were other men? How bad would they be? At least

Beck had proven he could be somewhat kind.

A slow, intensely confident smile split his gorgeous face. “Don’t

go worrying, love. I always win.”



He walked out of the tent, letting the heavy curtain fall back into

place. Meg was alone again. It was rapidly becoming evident that this

wasn’t a weird dream. She had really been taken to some strange

place. Maybe once she got outside the compound, she would be able

to tell what country she was in. The people seemed to speak English,

but there had been that strange lilting language as well. Gaelic, Rhys

had said. Yes, she thought, she would be able to get away and contact

the police.

Her head came up as a squat woman entered the room with a

pitcher and washcloths. Meg sighed. She was getting used to being

bathed. The little woman would be professional and gentle. In truth,

Meg realized she should be happy that the woman was here, humming

as she went about her work. Beck had left her with the evidence of her

orgasm all over her thighs and pussy. It would be rather embarrassing

for someone else to come in and find her covered in her own juices.

The short, blonde woman smiled up as she washed away Meg’s

reaction to Beck. “Don’t worry, miss. His Highness will be kind to


“His Highness?” Meg asked, but the woman finished her work.