“Dad?” I say, and they both turn my way.

“Hey, Lo, what’s up?”

Anna places her glass of wine down in front of her and pats his knee. “I need to go check on something in the kitchen,” she says, clearly understanding my reason for being here.

As she walks by, she gives me a soft smile, and then I feel her touch my hand as she passes. She gives it a little squeeze before she goes into the house. It warms my chest, and for some reason part of me relaxes. I don’t know what that was about, but I haven’t had a mother figure or any sort of motherly affection in my life, and I’m not sure how to process it.

“Come sit down,” my dad says, a smile in his voice as I walk over and take the seat across from him.

The sun has set, but the glow of the moon and the pool light up the outside and make it feel relaxing. I can see why they’re sitting out here enjoying it.

“What’s on your mind, son?”

“I need to talk to you about something I heard today.”

“All right.” He sits forward and puts his proverbial dad hat on. “Let me hear it.”

“Do you know anyone named Shy Wells?”

He thinks for a second as his brow furrows. “No, the name isn’t familiar. Who are his parents?”

“I don’t know, I’ve never met them.” I know that Shy is full of shit, but still I’m hesitant to ask my dad about it. “He made some pretty vague but serious accusations about you this afternoon, and I just want to talk to you about it.”

“Hey, you can tell me anything.” He reaches out and squeezes my knee.

“I know.” I nod, and I believe that in my heart. “He said that you’ve ruined women in Craven Cove. I don’t understand what he meant by that.”

“I have to say I’m at a loss myself.” He lets out a humorless laugh. “Anna is the first woman in Craven Cove that I’ve ever even gone on a date with.”

“He said that if I don’t leave Celeste alone, he’s going to blow our world up, or whatever it is he intends to do. What kind of dirt could he possibly have on you?”

My dad thinks for a moment and looks like he’s genuinely searching for something. “Lo, I have nothing in my past I’m ashamed of.”

“What about the woman that gave birth to me?” I’ve never called her my mom, because anyone willing to leave their infant child isn’t a parent and doesn’t deserve the title.

He sighs and presses his lips together. “I’m not ashamed that she ran out; that was her choice. I feel sorry for her that she didn’t get to see how wonderful her son is, and she missed out on the joy of raising you.” He smiles softly. “No, I’m not ashamed that she left me, and making that public wouldn’t embarrass me either.”

“Okay.” I nod in understanding, still trying to decipher what Shy meant.

“There aren’t skeletons in my closet, Apollo. I don’t have a single regret because it all made me the person and father I am today. If someone believes that they can shame me publicly for my past, then let them go for it. I have nothing to hide.”

I stare at him for a long moment and see the complete truth in his eyes. It wasn’t as if I needed him to say the words, but they give me comfort nonetheless.

“Thanks, Dad.” I stand up, and he gives me a hug. We’re almost the exact same size, but I hope I’m never too big for this.

Shy may have rocked my boat today, but there’s no storm we can’t withstand. Next time he tries to pull this shit, I’m calling his bluff. And maybe I’ll get him back for that sucker punch.

After I say goodnight to my dad and Anna, I go back upstairs to my bedroom. Celeste is still sleeping, but one of her arms has reached out to my side of the bed. It looks like she was searching for me in her sleep. Taking off my clothes, I get into bed beside her and pull her body against me.

“Mmmm,” she hums softly as she cuddles against my chest.

I kiss the top of her head and close my eyes. “I love you.”

“Love you,” she mumbles, and then I hear the sounds of her even breathing, letting me know she’s fast asleep.

There are still questions ahead, but the only thing that matters is this right here. The two of us and our lives together. That’s the only thing I plan on focusing on from here on out.



Many months later…

* * *

“You really didn’t bring a date?” I ask Jackson, and he shakes his head.

“Listen, Crew, I wanted to keep my options open. You know some idiot is going to fuck up tonight and leave a girl in tears. That’s when I’ll swoop in and be the hero.” He adjusts his bowtie like he’s the smartest guy on the planet, and I look over to Celeste to see her hiding a smile. “Am I right, Celeste? Tell Apollo I know what I’m doing.”