“You don’t have to say anything, Carrie,” Shy tells me. “All it means is they can’t come for you or try to control you. You’ve got the control.”

“I don’t want it.” I peek up at him through my lashes. I like when Shy has control. As crazy as that sounds, it's the truth. I’ve only been moving through the motions of life with nothing ever piquing my interest. Until him.

“I’m really thankful for you all coming here, but I need to be alone with Carrie.”

“Right,” Apollo laughs. “I’ll lock the door behind us, bro,” he calls as he once again clears the room for all of us.

Once they’re gone, Shy turns me in his lap so he can hold my face. “Do you know what you’re asking for, kitten?” I place my hands on his broad chest. I knew he'd come for me today when I screamed his name.

“Yes,” I say. “I know what I want.” I sink my nails into his chest. “I want to be yours forever.”



One Month Later

It’s been a month since the incident, and a lot has changed. Jamie was moved out by her family, and they agreed to pay for damages in a private settlement. Jamie also agreed to counseling and community service, which would be monitored by the attorneys.

The guy that tried to kidnap Carrie was taken into custody and hit with a long list of charges. There were also outstanding warrants on him in other states, so he was moved across the country after his arraignment. From what we can tell, he’s taken the fall for all of Carrie’s family, and they’ve been exonerated of any wrongdoing.

Carrie was granted restraining orders on her mother and father, and her trust was turned over to her entirely. From what we’ve discovered in the past weeks, their spending and debt had them desperate for money, and they were trying to find a way to marry her off and take control. Although they don’t have much left, they still had good enough connections to keep their names out of court.

Carrie’s old apartment has been renovated and rented out to a sophomore at the university who is here on an exchange program. All of Carrie’s belongings were moved in with me, and it’s now our home. The plan is to finish out school here and then find a place of our own. Somewhere close to my newly acquired family, maybe even back in Craven Cove. There’s a lot of memories from that island I’d like to forget, but there's a part of me that doesn’t want to separate from my brother and what we’re building. We’ve got time to figure it out, but as long as I’ve got Carrie by my side, that’s all I need.

“Hey babe,” she says as she comes out of her class.

“There you are.” I pull her to me and give her a quick kiss on the forehead as I take her hand. “How was class?”

“Not bad.” She squeezes my hand and gives me her biggest and brightest smile. “So spill it. What’s my surprise?”

“I think my biggest mistake was telling you about it this morning.” But secretly seeing that smile of anticipation makes my insides do cartwheels. “Maybe I’ll make you wait another day.”

“Don’t you dare!” She looks horrified, and her mouth falls open.

“I’m teasing.”

When we get to my truck, I open the door for her, and she hops in. After waiting for some of the traffic to clear, we leave the university and head toward the water. We’ve come out so many times with Celeste to watch Apollo’s matches. All of my swim meets are held on campus, but this area out here is so beautiful. And it’s perfect for her surprise today.

“Hey, Jim,” I say to the captain as he stands on the dock waiting for us.

“Good to see you again, Shy. She’s all set.”

“Thanks,” I say, shaking his hand, and then I lead Carrie out onto the waiting boat.

“Shy, where are we going?” She looks around as we climb aboard, and I give her another quick kiss.

“You’ll see.” I point to the basket nearby, and the blankets next to it. “There’s snacks for later, and a blanket if you’re cold. We can go below later too.” When her cheeks heat, I pull her to my side. “Come sit with me while I steer.”

She grabs a blanket, and we go up to the top. From there, you can see out over the water as we leave the harbor. It’s a beautiful afternoon, and sunset won’t be too far away.

“Where are you taking me?” She’s cuddled against my side, and I smile as I shake my head.

“You’ll see,” I answer again, and she makes a little growl of frustration.

It’s not far to get to where we’re going, especially on the water. It’s so calm out here like this, just the two of us away from it all. The stress of the past couple of weeks is finally melting away, and we’re able to take a breath as we begin to plan our future.