He must handle most of the stuff when it comes to fixing things, because that pretty girl Jamie has the same idea as me. I always see Shy going into her place at the other end of the hallway on my floor. At least I’m hoping that’s what’s going on. They could be dating for all I know, and I don’t like to think about it.

My phone goes off again as I step onto the elevator. I hit the button to my floor over and over like that makes it go any faster. I don’t know how soon Shy will come over, and I’d like to freshen up or something. When the door finally closes, I check my phone again.

Unknown: I like you in pink.

I stare at the text for a long moment. “What the hell?” I whisper, looking down at my oversized pink hoodie.

Unknown: You’ll regret not answering my calls.

The elevator chimes, and the doors slide open, making me jump. My phone starts to ring again, but I hit the power button to make it stop. Tossing the phone into my bag, I hurry to find my keys as I rush off the elevator and head straight for my place.

It takes me a second to get my keys out, and when I do, I realize the door is unlocked and it pops open easily. I push the door slightly to peek inside with zero intention of actually going in.

When it swings open, my alarm isn’t going off as it normally does. When I look inside, I can see from where I’m standing that my place has not only been ransacked but destroyed.

“Holy fuck” sounds from behind me, making me scream. “It’s me,” Shy says quickly when I spin around and run right into his solid chest. He wraps his arms around me. pulling me close. “I’ve got you.” His words are gentle, but his whole body vibrates with rage.

Chapter Two


“Come on, let’s go to my place,” I say, wrapping an arm around Carrie. “I’m calling the cops.”

On the way back to my apartment, I call the police and explain what little I know. Carrie doesn’t say anything, and when I help her sit on my couch, she’s shaking.

“Let me make you some tea.” I try to keep my words soft so I don’t scare her, but inside I want to rage. Who the fuck did that to her apartment?

“Okay.” She looks up at me with her big green eyes, and I decide the tea can wait.

“Come here.” Sitting down beside her, I pull her onto my lap and wrap my arms around her.

I remember once when I was a kid, my aunt and I were staying with one of her boyfriends, and he’d come home drunk and torn the place apart. I was shaking just like Carrie is now, and I remember thinking I just wanted someone to hold me.

She’s small in my arms, and I lean back, fitting her under my chin as she curls into a ball. Grabbing the blanket beside me, I drape it over both of us and try to make soothing sounds.

“It’s going to be okay.” My hand rubs up and down her back as I hum low, and although she’s still shivering, I feel her melt against me.

“What am I going to do? I can’t stay there.”

“You’re going to stay with me.” She looks up, and I stare down at her. “You can have my bed.”

“Shy, I can’t—”

“You’ll stay here, and that’s the end of it,” I say, and when a tear slips from her eyes, I want to murder whoever it is that made her so upset.

“Thank you.” She curls against me once more, and I take out my phone.

While I hold her, I text Apollo and Rory what happened and that we need the security camera footage. They both text back immediately and are on their way. As soon as that’s done, there’s a knock on my door, and Carrie flinches.

“It’s okay, it’s just the police.”

Just then Celeste comes bursting through the door, and I see the uniformed police officers behind her, surprised that she ran right in front of them.

“Carrie!” She beelines straight for where we are on the couch, and reluctantly I let her go.

“Stay here with Celeste. I’m going to show the cops to your place.” She nods silently as I tuck the blankets around her, and Celeste moves in close to her side.

“This way,” I tell the two police officers as I show them to Carrie's door.

They both take notes about what time she entered the building, and I tell them I’ve requested security footage. Then they ask a bunch of questions I don’t have answers to. Does she have any enemies? Is there someone you think might have done this? Does she have anything of value missing?