Mr. Winters nods and takes my arm. “Just hold onto me and keep your head high as you can. None of these people matter, but you always keep your head high. You’re a queen. Remember that, sweet girl.”

I swallow hard, but do as he says even as I clutch at his arm like a lifeline. Dominick walks on the other side of me. With the two of them continuing to flank me on either side as we exit the ballroom, shielding me from any accusatory or judging eyes, I do manage to hold my head up. I try to walk as normally as possible and only stumble once. Mr. Winters holds me steady so that by the next step, we’re continuing to glide forward so smoothly I’ll pretend to myself it was hardly noticeable to anyone watching.

And before I know it, we’re outside. The cool air of the night breeze is so welcome on my overheated cheeks. I breathe it in deep, but only manage a couple of breaths before my churning stomach makes me groan and grab at my middle.

“I think I’m gonna—” That’s all I manage to get out before bending over and heaving into the bushes that line the hotel walkway.

Both Dominick and his father immediately spring to action. One of them holds me up and the other gathers my hair and pulls it back from my face.

Another deep heave wracks my body and my body expels even more of the poison. I collapse to my knees. Or would have if Mr. Winters didn’t have most of my weight and guide me down gently to the concrete sidewalk. It’s Dominick holding my hair back, I note miserably before I’m heaving some more.

It’s a good five minutes before it finally seems to be done.

Dominick produces a handkerchief. I hate to ruin it, but at the same time I’m eager to clean up. I wipe my mouth and they help me back to my feet. Mr. Winters pulls me to his body. I have no energy to argue that I must be a mess of makeup and tears. I just collapse against his chest. When he runs his fingers through my hair that’s long fallen out of its loose updo, it feels like heaven.

One of them must have called the car around, because we only have to walk a few steps to a waiting limousine that pulls up on the curb.

I’m so exhausted I only barely question the fact that Mr. Winters slides into the long seat along with Dominick and I.

Oh no, his wedding…!

But he closes the door and it’s obvious he means to go with his son to take me home. Again, the two men flank me on either side.

A Sarah sandwich. The stupid thought makes me giggle.

Mr. Winters flashes his hundred-watt grin at me. “After all that, what’s making you laugh, sweet girl?”

I put a hand over my mouth, mortified. “Nothing,” I whisper, then fumble for my seatbelt. Do limos have seatbelts? My fingers feel dumb as I reach blindly over the seat. I’m in the middle, so where—

“Here you go, sweets,” Dominick says, reaching across my lap and pulling a strap across me. He’s taken off his tuxedo jacket and his scent assaults me.

Holy crap.

He smells really good. It’s a different cologne than his dad wears. But really… just, yum. I’m shocked that anything can smell good to me with how nauseated I was a few minutes ago. But damn, that boy smells edible. My eyes track him as he pulls back and buckles me in.

Then I lean back against the plush leather seat and close my eyes. God, my thoughts are all over the place. I need to let this horrible alcohol wear off and get out of my system. Then I can be my normal, in-control self again.

Yes, I’ll just rest a little bit.

The limo starts up. The darkened glass between the driver and the back seat is up so I can’t see him. It’s like a quiet little room all our own back here. Quiet and isolated and safe from all the world. Dominick and his father are so warm beside me.

I feel so warm…and safe…and…

“Wake up sleeping beauty.” The low rumbled whisper is soft, it’s easy to pretend it’s just part of my dream. A handsome Viking knight has come to save me from the wicked, wicked Queen Mother, who has locked me up in a high tower. The knight has the blondest hair and the greenest eyes—wise eyes full of bright intensity. When he looks at me, I feel like he’s piercing straight down to my center. He can see all my desires, even the dark ones that I want to hide from all the world.

I turn and nestle into my warm mattress.

“I think she’s happy where she is, Dad.”

The voice is familiar. I’m in one of those dreams where I’m aware I’m dreaming but I don’t want to come out of it yet. I look up and there, beside the first Viking knight is a second knight, equally handsome as the first, but younger. Where the first gives off an aura of wisdom and the feeling that he’d fight the whole world to keep me safe, the second is all fire and lust. He stares at me with open want, longsword flashing in the light.