“I like dogs,” was all he said, grinning. No doubt he would be telling all the other kids in class what he saw once the weekend was over.

“C’mon kid,” Santa said with a laugh. “I’m sure your mom is worried sick about you.” With that, the boy turned around and ran back in the direction of the fest.

“Oh my God.” My cheeks burn red. “She still isn’t spayed. I’ve been meaning to take her but I’ve picked up so much extra work and -”

“Are you saying we’re going to be grandparents?” Santa replied with a wink. I felt my cheeks burn even more, which I didn’t think was even possible.

“C’mon,” he smiled, flashing his brilliant white teeth from under the beard. “It’s freezing here, and dark. And there’s probably something out here that wants to eat us. Let’s get back to the fest.”

I followed him along, holding the leash much tighter than before. It took all my effort not to be dragged along by Trixie, who seemed eager to get reacquainted with her new friend.

What the hell am I gonna do with puppies? Santa seemed all too happy to lead the way. Before we knew it, we were back at the fest. Lights flashing, jazz playing. Several children had stayed in place in line, and Santa seated himself back at his throne.

“Ho ho ho! It seems Rudolph here wanted to get back to the North Pole a little early, but we’re back to hear more wishes!” The crowd laughed, and the children resumed approaching again.

I found the elf on duty holding a basket of candy canes with a smirk on her face.

“Hi,” I approach. She glares at me. “If you’d like, I’ll take those ears and the candy canes and finish the night for you.” She doesn’t say a word as she hands the elf ears and basket over. She’s clearly suspicious of why I offered to help, but was too eager to leave to question her good luck.

I took her place alongside Santa.

“So, am I going to be getting some, um, special presents in sixty days?” I whisper to him as one child leapt off his lap.

“Christmas is in way less than sixty days. And besides, I have to check my list first,” he whispered back before greeting the next child.

“You know what I mean. Trixie isn’t fixed yet.”

“Well that’s just irresponsible.”

“So Rudolph is neutered then?”

His face dropped at that. “I- I- I’ve been -”

“Irresponsible, apparently,” I shot back.

He turned to focus on the child on his lap, a little blonde girl in a bright pink beanie and pink winter coat.

“Ho ho ho, little girl,” he greeted her with a pat on the head, leaving her in a fit of giggles. I hope the reindeer is as good with kids as he is, I thought.

“Tell Santa, what do you want for Christmas? I have a good feeling you were on the nice list this year.” The little girl beamed at that.

“Um, I want, um, well mommy says elves don’t make them,” she confesses.

“Well, tell Santa what it is, and I’ll ask my elves.”

“I want a puppy!” She shouted, gleefully. I felt my stomach drop, and Santa must’ve felt the same, as he turned his head towards me.

“Well,” I gulped. “The-the elves do have puppies, yeah.” I nodded, and the poor girl was hooked on my every word. “For-for very special little girls...Who—who were very very good. Because Santa,” I shot him a dirty look, “sometimes is too busy working to take care of them” his lips were pursed. “So the elves give them to very nice girls who they think can do a good job.” I smiled, Santa grimaced. The girl was elated and as she danced down Candy Cane Lane after I handed her a candy cane.

“Look,” he whispered before the next one. “I’ll give you my info in case. But, you gotta help me out the rest of this festival. And no cheap shots about my parenting.”

“Deal,” I smirk and raise my chin. I hear him laugh.

“What is it?” I snap, and looking down, realize my left elf ear fell off in my attempt to assert my superiority. Once again, Santa had me beet red.

I reach down and grab the ear, avoiding eye contact with Santa as I adjust it.

“So what can I call you, little miss cranky elf?”

She grits. “Holly Winters. And what should I call you?”

His smirk turns dark. “Most people in this town call me Charlie Miller.” He leans in, voice lowering an octave. “But I like the way Santa sounds on your lips.”

I groan, realizing then that Trixie has twisted herself into knots trying to get to O’Malley.

Why am I being tortured like this?


Three - Charlie

Indignant as it is, there’s something endearing about Holly’s clumsy superiority. For all her huffing and wisecracks aimed at me, she stayed by my side all night, and maintained her holiday spirit as the night went on and on far better than I did. The fest was finally over, well, at least day one. I wasn’t sure of the time, but it must’ve been pretty late. We were among the last to leave. I couldn’t wait to get this ridiculous outfit off, crack open a beer, and watch highlights of the game. After heading to the store to make sure Mauricio and Bobby didn’t do anything stupid enough to put the place out of business that is.