“Fuck, you’re my favorite meal. “I need you naked now.” He whips me around so we’re facing each other. His eyes careen down my body and my flesh pebbles with pleasure at his attention. “Keep the socks.”


Nine - Charlie

Christmas Eve - one month later

“My darlings!” Mom gathers Holly and me in her arms, sweeping us right off of the makeshift dance floor as she does. Warm lights and outdoor heaters keep our small group of guests warm as they celebrate our big day in the snowy sunshine. What they thought was our engagement party was really our wedding ceremony overlooking the marina, complete with a snowman bride and groom dressed like Santa and Mrs. Claus and Trixie and O’Malley dressed their parts as they walked our rings down the aisle. Holly and I ate up every cheesy moment of it.

“I brought goodies before you run away on that extended honeymoon to Tahiti.”

“Tahiti?!” Holly gasps.

“Oh no! I forgot it was a surprise.”

I laugh at both of them. “It won’t be the last one.”

Holly quirks an eyebrow at me, a knowing grin passes between us. I’d proposed to her less than a month ago, and not only had she agreed to marry me, but she’d agreed to my demands of right fucking now.

I couldn't help it that she brought out the animal in me, I lived only to protect her now, and the sooner we were married the sooner we’d be celebrating our fiftieth anniversary.

“What’s the goodies?”

Mom’s eyes twinkle. “Look what I found.”

She pulls a folded snapshot out of the pocket of her dress and beams. “It’s you! Both of you! I knew you’d met before, when you were very young. I just had to find the photo to prove it!”

“Aw!” Holly’s eyes instantly well with emotional tears. “We did know each other before now!” She holds the photo in her hands, her blonde ringlets tied with mismatched bands and the toothy grin of a little kid brings back an instant memory.

“I think I remember this summer. I was only eleven maybe. I think that’s the summer I broke my arm in baseball practice so I volunteered to bag groceries at the market on the weekends instead.”

“That’s it!” Mom slapped my shoulder.

“I don’t remember it.” Holly frowned, squinting at the photo. “I think that’s my aunt in the background though.”

“That’s the Fourth of July festival. That is your aunt, honey. You can keep that photo. I found it buried in an old shoebox, I’m so glad I kept digging for it. I don’t want to keep you though, I know you’ve got a flight to catch.”

Mom kissed each of our cheeks and then disappeared into the dark of the night.

“Okay, angel?” I pull Holly down with me on a small bench. I need a moment with her. There may be one thousand more in my future, but I need this one.

“I’m so much more than okay,” she hums, tucking the photo into her small purse. “I didn’t think I could be this happy. Thank you for giving me such a magical day.” Water hovers at her eyelids. I have so much love for this woman it can’t be expressed with words.

“You are so beautiful. You’re as beautiful and pure as the driven snow. I’ve already forgotten life before you. You’re the wild card I didn’t see coming. My life is so much fuller with you in it. I love making you laugh, I hope I never stop.” I bring her new wedding ring to my lips with a kiss. “I love waking up to you in the morning.” I plant a soft kiss on her lips. “And I love listening to you sing in the shower and watching you dance in the kitchen.” I snag another kiss as she rolls her beautiful eyes. “Thank you for being mine.”

“Mmm...” She hums against my lips as my palms trail down to her waist, imagining the vibrant tiny heartbeat I know to be there.

“So when are we going to tell them?” I ask, referring to the guests behind us.

“An announcement during the goodbye toast would be fun.” She looks so damn happy. Radiant.

“Mmm… I’m not ready to share you just yet, Mrs. Miller.”


Epilogue - Holly

six months later

“Milo, no!” I squeal as Trixie toddles outside, three puppies following her out the door as another, the troublemaker of the bunch, yanks on her ear with all of his teeth. Four puppies. O’Malley was finally neutered to help control the grand-pup situation because so far, I couldn't bring myself to part with any of them. We’d already moved our rapidly growing life to Charlie’s cabin while we looked for something even bigger. We wanted land to raise our kids on, and land for all these dogs to stretch their legs to their heart’s content.

We had big dreams, but we could achieve them together.