The first time any of them have even looked him in the eye, by the looks.
I swallow hard.
He’s not joking either. Pearce’s body is so tense it feels like he might physically explode at any second.
I daren’t speak either.
This is his office, his building. His staff.
He can do whatever he wants.
I just hope I’m not on the execution list too.
Barbie is the last to go, and one look from Pearce tells her everything.
She’s finished. They all are.
“Are you alright?” he asks, freely grabbing a hold of me again, moving his whole body closer to mine.
Looking more concerned than I think anyone ever has about me in my whole life, all in one second.
“I just wanted a towel,” I squeak, making his serious expression shift to a grin.
But I’m not laughing.
Not by a long shot.
Chapter Six
It feels like I only leave her alone for less than a minute before I find out how dumb an idea that is from now on.
My gut is telling me to stick by her, keep her close.
Brynn doesn’t seem too keen on me walking in on her in the bathroom, so I busy myself with the start of my day by heading out of my office just for a minute.
Bad idea.
It’s not just my gut screaming out for her.
The not so little problem in my pants?
That’s not going anywhere anytime soon either.
It’s like the thought of her, let alone the sight of her, is making my whole body, my whole mind and soul focus on just one thing.
Filling her with my seed.
Making her mine and filling her with our babies.
As much as the thought consumes me, it’s not something I can see her agreeing to right away.
She’s got a fair-sized chip on her shoulder and I’m not entirely sure she’s a hundred percent sold on the Pearce Masters show I put on without even realizing it.
Thing is, I’ve spent so long being someone I’m not. I’ve convinced myself it’s who I really am.
Brash, outspoken, demanding, and pig-headed.
And that’s the parts I can identify with.
For most people, and I think this includes Brynn for now, I can come across as a stuck up asshole.
A very handsome stuck up asshole if I do say so.
But not exactly ‘man of the year’ material once I open my mouth.
My own self-analysis disappears as I’m fixing us both some coffee in the kitchen area.
The sound of doors and heavy feet tell me something’s not right and my first thought is of Brynn.
I can see their backs once I race back to the office, but it’s too late.
Who called them in there, I have no idea, but I know by now they’ve scared Brynn shitless as well as gotten themselves fired.
My anger is instant but I manage to keep a lid on it long enough to see what’s happened before firing the lot of ‘em.
Nobody treats my guests like this and nobody, I mean nobody sure as hell treats my woman this way.
Yeah, I said it. My mind’s made up as soon as I see those idiots trying to cage her in.
It takes everything I have not to crush them all, but I also know how to hurt people in a thousand different ways.
The best way is always financially.
Suddenly being without a job a few months out from Christmas?
Not most people’s idea of fun, but this time. This morning, with Brynn of all people? I’ve got no hesitation.
It’s a case of fire ‘em and get ‘em outta here before I start breaking bones myself.
I try to hide my rage from her, but at the same time, I’m trying to make sure she’s okay.
Trying to show her that something like this will never, ever happen again.
She tells me she just wanted a towel, and I smile. I almost laugh.
But I’m not laughing at Brynn.
I’m just relieved she’s okay. Hoping this hasn’t driven the nail—
“What’s so funny?” she snaps, jerking her arms away from my hands and taking a step back.
Guess Brynn’s not okay after all.
“You do this often, huh? Think it’s real funny don’t ya?” she asks me coldly, looking more upset by the second as I try to figure out if it’s me that’s upset her or what happened just now.
I playfully reach for her arms again, noticing her relax some as soon as I touch her.
“Hey,” I murmur to her, calming myself down once I feel how delicate she is.
How soft. How fragile she is.
Yet something I could grab onto so hard…
“I was just getting us some coffee, and…” I try to explain, forcing myself to keep the mood light.
“Who was that woman anyway?” she asks, interrupting me. A flash of hurt in her eyes now, replacing her sudden coldness.
Aha! I might have something here after all. I know the look of the green eyed monster when I see it.
My business is built on it.