I smile. “Wonderful.”

“Can we get settled in before we work?” Winter asks.

“Yes, there’s an issue, though. There were no vacancies, and sweetie, I had to put you in a cabin with Kane. Don’t worry, it’s two-bedrooms. It’ll be fun, bonding with your new brother,” Crystal talks so fast I barely comprehend the meaning of her words.

“Sharing a cabin?” Winter shrieks, clutching her costume in her hands. “We can’t share a cabin.”

Crystal thrusts a magnetic key card at her. “You’re in cabin twenty-two, near the back of the property. See you in an hour.” She rushes back inside, leaving Winter and me standing in shock outside.

Winter spins around to face me, plastering on what I can only imagine is a fake smile. “Well, roomie. Looks like we’ll be sharing.”

I nod, because boy can I think of all the ways we’ll spend in the cabin cozying up. “Sounds like a plan.”

Winter narrows her eyes. “Follow me.”

We follow the path that winds through the cabins until we arrive at twenty-two. The interior is more spacious than I had hoped. We walk through the living area filled with wood accented leather furniture, back to the master suites, each complete with a fireplace.

Winter heads into one room, so I cross into the other. I drop my suitcase on the sleigh bed and stare at the Santa suit in my hands. When I agreed to help, I guess I forgot how humiliating it would be to wear this suit, but I decide to do it with a lot of class.

I toss off my shirt and unzip my jeans when there’s a knock at my door.

“Come in,” I say.

“Oh, god.” Winter takes one look at me and covers her eyes, turning around. “You shouldn’t have invited me in if you were naked.”

“I’m not naked.” I love her shyness. “Turn around and see.”

She slowly spins around, dropping her hands. Her tongue peeks out to wet her lips as she takes in all of me.

It turns me on, and my cock stiffens.

“See something you like?” I drop my pants.

Winter turns back around. “I’ll be ready in five minutes. I was just coming in to check on you to see if you were getting ready. I see you are, so I’ll leave.”

“You can help me get ready,” I call after her.

She slams the door, and I chuckle.

This is going to be fun.

An hour later, I’m sitting in a red-velvet throne with gold trimming, having kid after kid sit on my lap.

There’s a goat off to my side, which was introduced to me as Jack, and dashing about is the lovely Winter, decked out in a Santa’s little helper costume, giving her cute book to the children. Fuck. She’s got on a curve-hugging green velvet dress that ends mid-thigh, leaving a few inches of skin exposed above her sexy candy cane striped socks. I’d love to throw those curly elf shoes over my shoulders and think of all the ways I need Winter to help me, but I’m trying to be good.

Mainly because kids are sitting on my lap and telling me all their hopes and dreams for this Christmas season.

“I’d like a little brother or sister,” a brown-haired little girl says.

“What’s your name?” I ask.


“That’s a pretty name. How old are you Noel?”

“This many.” She holds up four tiny fingers. “That’s my mom.”

“You look like her,” I say.

“Hi, I’m Zoe Steele.”

“Nice to meet you. Oh, right. Your husband owns the place.”

She nods. “Yes, he does. And you’re Crystal’s new stepson.”

I crack a grin. “That’s right.”

She beams at me. “It’s a pleasure to meet you…” she pauses, “I don’t know your name.”

“Santa,” I say. “Name’s Santa Claus.” I don’t want to destroy the lie for her kid.

“Oh, of course.” She gives me a thumbs up and a wink when Noel isn’t looking. “Santa has other kids to see, Noel. Let’s get going.”

At that moment, Winter spots Zoe, and they do a quick hug while another child climbs on my lap.

“Well, hello there,” I say.

“I want a pony, and an Xbox. I also want to fly. Do you grant wishes?” the little boy with chocolate-covered cheeks says to me. He holds the rest of his chocolate bar in the other hand, and I lean back so I don’t get a mess on my suit.

But it comes with the territory, I guess.

“No, sorry, kid. I can’t grant wishes.” Although, I wish I could. I’d help Winter see she has a genuine passion for drawing. I could see it in her eyes when she talked about it.

“Then just the pony.” He hops off my lap and rushes to his mother.

“Ok, Santa needs a fifteen-minute break,” Winter says to the crowd, coming to my rescue.

I stand, stretching my back as I follow Winter to a private room her mother set up for us. It’s hidden from the party, behind an enormous Christmas tree, and as soon as Winter shuts the door, I rip the beard from my face.