But enough about goats. We’re just outside the barn doors. This is it.

“Ginger’s catering an entire dessert table, right?” Maggie whispers in my ear just before the doors slide open.

“Are you seriously thinking about food right now?” Sutton chastises, but then she looks at me. “But she is, right?”

I laugh. “Good to know you’ve both got your priorities straight. And yeah, she is.”

They both grin before they each pull me into a tight hug. “Good luck, Lex,” Sutton says.

“Break a leg,” Maggie adds, grabbing Rudy’s leash. Even Rudy gives me a good-luck wink.

Then they proceed me down the aisle, leaving me to make my grand entrance on the arm of my dad.

It’s a walk I’ve been waiting my whole life for.

And I just know it’s going to be a home run.

I smile to myself just as I hear the music start up. The song’s all soft piano keys, and I take a breath to steady myself just before it’s my turn.

“Thanks for everything, Joe,” I say, looking up at the sky just as snow starts to fall.

And then my dad is beside me, his arm holding mine steady as I step carefully around the corner, my heart catching as everything I’ve planned for months snaps into view.

Chairs full of everyone I love in my life. Flowers I’ve chosen to represent the love I have for Carter. A song for me to start my new life to.

And, most importantly, the man of my dreams, standing at the end of the aisle with the biggest smile on his face.

It takes everything in me not to run into his arms. Everything feels like it’s moving in slow motion, and then, suddenly, I’m standing in front of him. He’s touching my cheek. Someone’s saying words about how we love each other, but all I see is Carter.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispers to me.

“You too,” I tell him, flustered.

He grins, and I think he very nearly considers kissing me in front of everyone, before the vows even take place, until the officiant discreetly coughs and Carter straightens, giving me a wink.

And then, before I know it, we’re saying our vows. He’s giving me my ring, and I’m giving him his. He’s dipping me, and I’m kissing him.

The night’s a blur from then on, a magical, Reindeer Falls blur of eating and dancing. At one point, I’m standing beside Carter, leaning against him as I try to soak it all in. That’s when Maggie comes up to us with Ryan on her arm, a gleam in her eye.

“I told you so,” she tells me.

“Sorry?” I ask with a laugh. “Told me what, exactly?”

“She said the same thing to us,” Sutton says, walking over with Jake. He’s got his arm around her waist, unable to keep from subtly touching her belly. Not that I blame him.

“I’m just saying,” Maggie says. “I was right.”

“About what?” Ryan says, sneaking up behind her as he kisses her temple. “I’d like to hear this for myself.”

She grins. “About Christmas being magical.”

“Oh, God,” Ryan says, shaking his head. “You and Christmas.”

“I was right,” she says. “I knew Christmas was magic, and none of you believed me. But look at us now.” She holds up a champagne glass as if she’s toasting her rightness, her smile contagious.

“Fine,” Sutton says. “I’ll agree with you. Christmas… well, it did a pretty good job.”

“Hey,” Jake says. “I would’ve fallen for you on the Fourth of July just as easily.”

“But would you have fallen for the goats without the magic of Christmas?” Sutton asks, eyebrow raised.

“Ahh, fair point,” Jake answers with a grin.

“I’ve got something I want to show you,” Maggie interjects. “It’ll be really quick. Can we sneak out for a bit?”

We all exchange a look.

“Are you going to make us ticket people?” Ryan asks. “Or attach reindeer antlers to the front of every car for some kind of wedding Christmas parade?”

Maggie rolls her eyes. “No. Something better. Come on. You all owe me.”

I’d like to disagree with this last part, but Carter says, “I’m in.”

So we all crowd into our cars and head up the road to City Hall. Maggie grabs her keys and opens the door and I have no idea what she’s up to.

But then I see what she’s clearly gesturing to as she opens her arms with a flourish, framing the giant Christmas tree and all of its shimmering ornaments. One ornament for each family in the town, a Reindeer Falls tradition.

“I wanted you to see your family ornaments,” she says. “One for each of our happily ever afters.”

“Our merrily ever afters,” I murmur and Maggie grins.

I follow her hand to where three different ornaments glitter under the lights. A Santa hat for Maggie and Ryan, a goat tangled in Christmas lights for Sutton and Jake, and a baseball atop a stack of books for me and Carter.