Oh my god.

I’m off the bed and moving toward my closet. There’s still a pair of jeans that kind of fits me if I suck in and hold my breath while I’m standing. I put them on.

What are you doing?

The voice of panic in my mind is imploring me to get back into my pajamas and back into bed, but there’s a new voice that is gaining more and more force. She’s planted herself at the head of the table is making her voice heard.

We’re doing this. Get dressed.

I pick a black top and put it on.

I hear the fridge open as I quickly put on some makeup and fix my hair. I look presentable. Not great, but decent enough.

Go before you chicken out.

That voice is a damn beast and she’s pushing me way out of my comfort zone.

I decide to listen to her and open the door.

A faintness hits me. I’m quivery all over and nauseous when I see the light in the kitchen down the hall.

I glance back at my room and sigh. I can’t hide away forever. I’ll have to get back into the world at some point.

And what better time than now?

With my heart racing, I walk down the hallway, trying to project confidence and allure.

Emmett is standing in front of the open fridge with no shirt on.

My mouth drops when I see his gorgeous back, all carved up with hard beautiful muscles.

I’m frozen in a mix of fear and lust as he takes his orange juice container, puts it to his lips, tilts his head back, and takes a long swig.

I can see everything. His flexed arms, his broad chest, his rippling abs lit up by the light from the fridge.

I’m already loving it out here, far away from my comfort zone. If I had stayed in my room, I would have never seen this delicious show.

And I would never have seen that shocked look in his eyes as he lowers the juice and stares at me.

Chapter Five


* * *

“I was just… I should get back to my room.”

My heart is stopped in my chest as I watch the beauty who suddenly appeared out of nowhere turn and flee.

“Wait!” I call out as I take a few steps forward, leaving the fridge door wide open. “Don’t go.”

She freezes in the hallway and whispers something to herself. My eyes are all over her, taking in every enticing inch. She’s got a great ass. It’s sexy as hell in those jeans.

I love a big girl with curves. A thick waist and full hips I can grab onto as I take her from behind… mmmmmm… that’s what I want.

She’s perfect.

But she’s trying to flee from me.

“Come back,” I say softly, like I’m trying to coax a scared little kitten to come out from under the table.

She turns around slowly and my legs nearly buckle. All I can do is stare longingly at her as the open fridge hums behind me. She’s unreal.

If I had known there was a goddess like her in this apartment the whole time, the past few days would have gone much differently.

I already feel the obsession growing deep within me. It’s embedded itself in my gut. There’s no going back. It’s a part of me now. She’s a part of me.

“You’re… Anna’s friend?” Fuck, I can’t even talk. I forgot my cousin’s damn name. How the hell could Anna have a best friend like this and not tell me about her? How could she hold her back from me? I’ll have to have a talk with my little cousin about this. We could have been together a decade ago. That depressing thought fills me with nausea. All those years that I could have been gazing into this dream girl’s beautiful brown eyes… gone. Lost forever. That thought crushes me.

“I am,” she says in a sweet voice that’s pure sugar for my ears. “And you must be the hot Canadian cousin. I mean, Canadian cousin. Shit. Sorry.”

She covers her eyes with her hands and mouths an, ‘oh my god.’

While her eyes are covered, I ravage her with mine. The view of her front is even better than the back. She’s got big round tits that would be perfect to squeeze together and stick my dick through. Just the thought of those massive tits naked and pushed together, her big pink nipples standing straight up as I slide my wet dick through her cleavage over and over, getting ready to cum on her face… fuck… I’m already rock hard from thinking about it.

She’ll be able to see my hard-on running along my thigh if she ever takes her hand off her eyes. My jeans are doing nothing to hide it. It’s big and hard and long and fucking throbbing for her.

“We need to go over the apartment rules,” I say in a deep forceful voice. Things are going to change around here. This girl is mine. I’ve decided.