“We shower with the bathroom door open from now on.”

Is he really…? Can he be actually…?

I gulp as I jump out of bed and grab my housecoat. My heart is pounding as I put it on and slowly open the door.

He’s really doing it.

The shower is on and the door is open. I can hear the water roaring as it bounces off his fully naked body.

My feet start advancing on their own, lust taking over my bodily movements. I’m down the hall before I know it.

I peek into his room and it’s empty. There’s a sexy grey suit hanging on his door and a light blue dress shirt hanging on the handle, a dark blue power tie threaded around the hangar. He’s got the sexiest clothes. I would pay to see him in that suit. His female co-workers must not get any work done. I feel for them. I’m also insanely jealous of them too. Imagine getting paid to stare at that virile specimen all day? Lucky bitches.

I turn the corner and suck in a breath when all of my suspicions are confirmed. Emmett is showering with the bathroom door wide open.

I glance back at my room, but I know I can’t go back now.

My body is on full alert as I head for the kitchen and casually peek into the bathroom.

My casual peek turns into a full-on open stare when I see Emmett’s naked body through the glass door.

It’s all steamy in there and the glass is clouded with a blur, but I can still see his big muscular frame as he washes his hair. His arms look huge, all flexed and wet as he rinses the shampoo out of his dark hair.

He doesn’t know I’m watching him yet, so I keep my feet planted and stare until it’s time to move.

His thighs are pure muscle, his ass rock hard. His leg is forward, positioned in a way that hides his package. My eyes are locked there, trying to get a glimpse.

I lick my lips as I watch the soapy water tumble down his big chest and through his hard rippling abs.

“Yes,” I whisper under my breath as he turns, putting his face under the stream of water.

I get a quick glimpse of his long semi-erect cock. It’s dangling between his powerful thighs, hanging much lower than I ever thought possible.

My pussy clenches tight and I realize how wet I am. How needy my sex feels. It wants to get into that shower and devour Emmett.

I gasp as he suddenly turns to me. He grins when he sees me openly staring at him.

Panic rushes through my veins and I’m about to flee back to the safety of my room when he abruptly turns the water off and slides the door open.

Holy bajeezers…

I get the full remarkable view.

He’s standing there, hair wet, shoulders squared, chest, abs, legs, cock. I can see it all. My eyes are like ping pong balls, bouncing around his body, not sure on what tempting spot to land. I take it all in.

He’s glorious.

What even is he? Is he human? Is he a sex robot from the future perfectly designed in every way?

“Good morning, Lindsay,” he says in a smooth calm voice like he’s not totally exposed to me. “Can you be a dear and pass my towel?”

My breath lodges in my throat. He wants me to… come closer?

“S-sure,” I squeak out in a high-pitched voice that would be more fitting for one of my illustrations rather than for me.

He grins as he stands there, proudly on display. “It’s on the sink.”

I gulp as my eyes dart down to his cock for a quick glance before I start moving. Lightheadedness hits me as I step over the threshold and onto the cold tiles.

How am I even doing this? My brain is mush, but my body is moving on its own.

I grab the white fluffy towel and head over to him with my heart hammering.

“Thanks,” he says as he takes it.

My eyes dart all over his chest. Water droplets are snaking down the hard curve of his pecs, continuing into the deep crevices of his abs. I snap my eyes back to his as my cheeks blush guiltily.

He grins. He’s toying with me. Playing with me. This is a game to him.

Then why does it feel like I’m winning?

He has the towel but he doesn’t even cover himself with it. He rubs his hair dry as I quickly sneak a peek at his package one more time.

It’s even thicker up close, or maybe it’s getting thicker because I’m getting closer. It’s beautiful. I can’t take my eyes off it. I want to drop to my trembling knees and admire it up close. I want to take it in my hands and put it in my mouth.

He’s got nice big balls too, the perfect size to match his thick shaft. I’ve never seen the appeal of testicles, but that’s all changed now. I want to cup them and feel the power in my hand.