“I don’t want to just have sex. I know it may sound like innocent schoolgirl talk, but I want to make love. For me, being in a relationship is serious.”

“Me too.”

I patted his chest. “I mean, it’s not like I’ve dated a lot, but the few times I have, I’ve always asked myself, ‘Is this someone I could picture myself growing old with? Having babies with? Making love to?’”

He smiled. “And what were your answers when you met me?”

“You’re assuming I asked myself questions about you.” I smiled.

“You just said…”

How can I say what I feel without it causing a problem. What if my response scares him and ends all of this? “I’ve been too afraid to let my mind go there.”


I dropped my head and then looked up. “I like you, a lot. And I’m scared you’re going to discover you can’t live without the things I’m not giving you.”

He brushed the side of my face, and I felt tears welling up in my eyes. He cupped my face in his hands and pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was gentle, sweet…filled with compassion.

“If I didn’t respect your honesty and decision not to have sex, we wouldn’t be here.”

“It’s only been…”

He kissed me again. “I know how long it’s been.” He smiled. “Granted, I think sex with you would be incredible.” I smiled. “However, I agree. I think making love would be so much better.”

“But what if…”

“We aren’t going to talk about what ifs. We’re only going to talk about what is.”

“What is?” I teased.

“Oui. Like how is it possible for such a virtuous woman to kiss so passionately?” My face felt hot. “I’m serious. I want to know. Because I have never kissed a woman that kisses like you do. The way you seduce me with your mouth is overwhelming.”

“Very funny.”

“You don’t see it, do you?”


“You my sweet, possess a sex appeal and passion so intense, it is indescribable.”

I started to get up and he pulled me back down and cupped my face in his hands. “You’re right. I think it’s best that you don’t make love until you are married.”

“You do?”

He looked at me smiling. “Oui. Because I heard the way a woman kisses is the way she makes love.” He smiled and raised an eyebrow.

* * *


* * *

After my conversation with Gabriella today, my thoughts were confirmed. She has no clue as to how she effects me. More specifically, she hasn’t got a clue as to how sexy she is, or the amount of passion she possesses.

It was excruciating, yet very pleasurable, having her nestled between my thighs. It took every ounce of self control I had to keep myself in check. Then she started squirming and shifting against me until she found a spot she liked. Thank God, she couldn’t see the agony on my face.

It wouldn’t be so bad if she was aware of what she was doing and playing a game, but she is genuinely naïve to her body language. I tried not to touch her, but I couldn’t resist slipping my hands around her waist and kissing her neck. The soft giggle she makes when I nuzzle her neck makes me laugh.