“He said, it was about time I dated a lady.” My face felt hot. “So no sneaking into my room tonight.” I playfully socked him. “Seriously, I told Cameron…”

“I’m not letting you…”

He put his finger against my lips. “Cameron is now your personal shopper.”

“I don’t need—”

“Yes, you do. With our being on the road a lot, you might not be able to get into the store, and I don’t want you to miss out on something you want. When something you like goes on sale, he’ll put it aside for you. Or, if you need something sent to you, he can do that as well.”

“I…” A knock on the door interrupted our conversation.


“Yes, Gil?”

“We’re ready.”

“Thank you. We’ll be right there.” I started to get up and he pulled me back. “What’s wrong?”


“Are you upset with me?”

“Yes and no. I don’t…”

“You don’t have to use Cameron, but he’s there if you need him.” He lifted my chin. “Mon amour, let’s not fight. I didn’t mean to overstep my bounds. Forgive me?”

I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. “Yes.”

* * *


* * *

The past week has been hell. Not exactly the best time to start a new relationship, but is there ever really a good time? Having Gabriella in my life gives me something to look forward to. She’s forcing me to relax, which doesn’t make any sense, because I’ve never wanted or needed an escape from work. I enjoy what I do. But, but she makes me think there’s more to life, or that I’m missing something.

However, the past couple of days, she hasn’t sounded like her normal upbeat self. Funny, it was me that was a little apprehensive about mixing business with pleasure, and now it seems like it’s in reverse.

I walked into Brockman’s surveying everything. I had just enough time to handle a couple of things before heading to the airport. I took over the conference room for a quick meeting.

“Hi, Cameron.” I shook his hand.

“Hello, Mr. Marchant.”

“Have a seat. I wanted to talk to you.” I looked at my watch. I wanted to be at the airport when Gabriella arrived, but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen.

“Is there a problem?”

“No. You’re an excellent Personal Shopper or, what are we calling your department now?”

“VIP Services.”

“I don’t really like that. All of our customers are VIPs. You will need to come up with something else.”

“Excuse me, sir?”

“I’m offering you the position of Senior Director of Client Services, or whatever it’s going to be called.”