I didn’t push the issue of not picking her up, because right now I’m letting her call the shots until she feels comfortable and trusts me.

I set this date up a couple of days ago, and for a minute there, it looked like it was all for nothing. I think the reason I’m so nervous is because being intimate on a level that does not include my body, is foreign to me.

I opened this restaurant because I love good food and wine. The other times I’ve brought dates here, I never went out on limb like I am tonight. This is a woman I see a future with. I remem

ber something my dad said. “When you find the woman you are willing to completely change for, that’s the one. And do whatever it takes to keep her.” So if that means learning to be celibate, then so be it. The prize is well worth the wait.

“She’s here, Phillippe,” Tomas announced.

With those three words all talking in the kitchen ceased. It’s as if we’d just been informed royalty had entered the restaurant. In a way it had. The woman I desire to make the queen of my world has just been seated. “Thank you Tomas.” I looked at Chef Paul. “Give us about twenty minutes and then bring out the next course and the wine. Thank you, chef.” I grabbed the plate of appetizers and wine.

“Bon appetite.” The conversation and bustle of the kitchen resumed.

A couple of hours later with three additional courses completed, we sat back and enjoyed some cheese and wine.

“Everything was amazing.”

“I’m glad you liked it.”

She looked around the room and sipped her wine. “Nice place for a first date.”

I lifted her hand to my mouth, kissed it and started to share details about our adventure tomorrow when my phone started vibrating. I ignored it, because I sensed it was bad news and I didn’t want anything to overshadow my time with Gabriella. However, when my phone buzzed with Tony’s ringtone, I knew I couldn’t ignore whatever it was. I told him not to text or call me tonight unless it was an emergency. I looked at the screen.

“I’m sorry, I really need to deal with this.”

Gabriella excused herself and went to the ladies’ room. That gave me time to call Tony back. I pressed the button and had an uneasy feeling as I dialed the number.

“Hello…I’m at dinner…did you tell them we have a signed lease and if they go back on our agreement, I’ll tie them up in so much…I don’t care…no…this is why I need someone in place I can trust…he did what…why didn’t he…that was my final offer…let him…uh-huh…uh-huh…no…when…I don’t want to, but…” I looked at my watch. “Crap! Do you have anyone we can put there to oversee the move?…I don’t want to do that…I know…I was finishing dinner…I’ll call when I’m on my way…I know.”

I wanted to throw my phone against the wall. I heard the door open and when I turned around, she took my breath away. I walked over, closed the door, and placed her bag on the edge of the table. I took her in my arms, and we slowly swayed to the soulful music I requested for the evening. She looked up at me smiling. At that moment all I wanted was those lips pressed against mine, before taking complete control of her tongue.

I remember the first time she gave me that look. I covered those full sexy lips with mine not waiting for permission, but going by her body language. She may not want to sleep with me, but I knew she wanted me to kiss her. My hands eased down the small of her back and pulled her so close we seemed to melt into one person. I kissed her harder and she dug her hands into my neck, drawing me deeper into her space.

The chemistry and passion between us is overwhelming. I felt my body starting to react and I didn’t want her to think I couldn’t control myself, but I wasn’t ready to let her go either. I moved my mouth across her cheek, grabbed her ear lobe between my teeth and she let out a deep gasp. Her seductive parfum traveled up my nose and it reignited the fire I was trying to sit on.

My phone rang again with Tony’s ringtone and I wanted to curse him for calling me. I knew answering it, meant I would have to be separated from Gabriella’s sexy swollen lips. So I ignored it, but it kept ringing.

She pulled back and looked up at me. “You know he won’t stop calling until you answer.”

I picked up my phone and pressed the button.“Yes…what…no…” I looked at my watch. “I can be there in a couple of hours…I know…bye.” I pressed the button ending the call.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s Seattle.” She patted my chest. “The person I wanted to hire turned down my offer.”

“So, go with an interim person until you find a permanent solution.”

I love her innocence. My second interim choice is her, but she’s not ready yet. “They aren’t available.”

“The past month I’ve watched you work, and something as minor as availability isn’t going to stop you.”

“I’ve got Tony working on it.”

“Problem solved.”

“Not exactly. Even if I get an interim person in place by the end of the week, it will take Tony at least two weeks to get the new person up to speed.”

“Then do it.”