“And I will make sure he does not hurt you.”


“Mange votre petit déjeuner…eat your breakfast.”

* * *


* * *

This morning I got up with a new attitude and thought process for my relationship with Gabriella. Instead of focusing on what she’s not giving me, I’m focusing on what she is. I’ve been so consumed with how to avoid having her in my bed, that I forgot I have allowed her someplace no other woman has been.... my mind and my heart.

I suspected she was a little drunk by the way she was acting last night. Or, maybe that’s the excuse I prefer to believe. If that was her sober, I’m in trouble.

In my quest to be the perfect boyfriend, with Marie’s help I prepared a little morning hangover tray. I knocked on Gabriella’s door three times, but there was no answer. I took a chance and went inside. If she was in the shower, I’d leave the tray and disappear.

I stood in the open doorway and looked around the room. The dreadful noise I heard scared me. It wasn’t the shower, but Gabriella snoring. How is it possible such a beautiful woman could make such a dreadful sound.

I opened one shade to let in some light and cautiously approached the bed. I almost dropped the tray when my eyes landed on her in bed. I never expected to see what I saw. I thought I was standing in one of my dreams. I swallowed hard and tried not to look, but I couldn’t not look. It was the most beautiful site I had ever seen.

In my fantasy, she slept in the nude, but my good sense told me otherwise. My God, the image of her lying on her back, her thick, dark, curly hair spread out on the pillows, and the sheet just below her navel, was breathtaking. My eyes traveled down the center of her body and back up resting on her incredible breasts. It was my dream come to life.

I wanted to crawl into bed on top of her and fill my hands with her beautiful mocha colored breasts. Those perfect hard nipples were staring at me, just begging for my tongue. Then she smiled. Was she awake and teasing me? No. She must have been dreaming, and it had put a sweet smile on her face. Then she rolled over and pushed the sheet down, revealing the deep sway of her full, luscious behind. My mind and body were at war. My mind said leave. However, at that moment, I didn’t care that I had let her into my heart, when all I wanted to do was crawl on top of her and…I swallowed hard and forced my body to listen to my mind.

I quietly hurried out, closing the door behind me. I leaned up against the wall, drank the water, and stood still waiting for my body to return to some sort of normalcy. I wiped my wet forehead, walked back to the kitchen, and placed the tray on the counter.

“Marie, veuillez remplacer, merci.” I drank the water without stopping for air. “Encore, s’il vous plaît, merci.” This time I drank it in parts.

“C’est tout?”

“Please replace the water and napkin, and take the tray to Mademoiselle’s room. Merci.” She replaced the items and took the tray back to Gabriella’s room. When she returned, she topped off my water. “Was she still asleep?”

“Oui.” She looked at me smiling.

“Comment?” My body was still writhing, and sitting down was too painful. I must be out of my mind to have Gabriella here. I should have put her downstairs in the guest apartment. I looked at Marie. “Did you cover her up?”

“Oui.” She was still smiling.


“Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé hier soir?”

“After dinner and the Moulin Rouge, we went dancing.”

“You did?” She questioned me with a raised eyebrow.

“Oui, and then nous sommes rentrées à la maison. Don’t look at me like that. Nothing happened. I kissed her and went to bed, alone.” I drank half of the water.

“You did not sneak into her chambre à coucher?”

“No, I did not go back to her bedroom last night.”

She nodded. “And when you were in there, did you touch her?”

“No.” I patted my forehead with the napkin.

“But you wanted to.”