“No, please…maybe while I am here you can teach me French.”

“Oui, je peux le faire…until then, I will use English.”

“Merci.” I smiled.

“Bien.” She smiled. “Come with me and I will show you to your room.”

“My room?”


“Excuse me.” I turned to Phillippe. It was time to play the girlfriend card. “What is she talking about? I thought we were staying at a hotel.”

“Mon amour, I…”

“Phillippe, I’m not going anywhere until you tell me where we are, and what is going on.”

“Un moment Marie, merci.”


“Where are we?” I folded my arms in front of my chest.

He stepped closer. “You said you didn’t trust yourself to be left alone with me.”

“That’s not what…Phillippe, tell me where we are, or I’m headed to the nearest Holiday Inn or whatever they call it here.”

He smiled. “I’m sorry. I should have told you.”

“Told me what?”

“This is my apartment.”

“Your apartment?” I looked around and back at him. “Is this why you told me you would handle the hotel in Paris?”

“Yes. I knew if I told you we would be staying at my apartment, you would stress out or not come.”

“This is my job. So I wouldn’t not come. I probably would have made…”

“I see I have upset you.”

“How many other women have stayed here?” He was silent. “I meant what I said Phillippe. I’m not sleeping with you.”

“Where did that come from?”

“I don’t know…maybe because we’re standing in your apartment…in Paris.”

He crushed his lips against mine, and his tongue pushed past my tight lips, inside my mouth, shattering my defenses. My hands reached around his neck as he pulled me closer to his chest, and I slowly relaxed. His hands slid down my back pulling me deeper into his space, and at that moment I didn’t care where we were. All I wanted was more of his lips and body pressed against mine. He slowly pulled back, brushed his thumb along my bottom lip and smiled, hypnotizing me with his dimples.

“I’m sorry, I should have told you we would be staying here. I thought you would be more comfortable here with Marie than alone in a hotel.”

“Oh.” I bit my bottom lip.

“I understand your apprehension. But I told you, nothing will happen that neither of us wants to happen.”

“So, where are we?”

“My building.”