“Let’s see. Not that you need to tell me everything that’s going on in your personal life, but explicit instructions not to contact you unless it was life or death.” He shook his head. “Not to mention you’ve become celibate.”

“Celibate? Who said anything about…”

“I know Gabriella very well, remember?”

“But how would you know she’s…”

“I’m good at my job. Plus you told me she said she wasn’t like the women in your past. No offense bro, but your past is sprinkled with a cast of very open women. Gabriella is a good girl and she ain’t giving up the goodies without a ring and parchment. So is that why you’re torn?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Does your plan include marriage? Is that why you’re having problems?”

“First of all, my becoming celibate…”

“So you are celibate?”

“I choose to look it as a body fast.”

“A body fast?” He shook his head laughing. “I like that.”

“Anyway, this body fast, is…who said anything about marriage?”

“Look at you. She’s got you all twisted.”

“More like tied up in knots.” I plopped down in my chair and shook my head.

“I don’t believe what I’m witnessing. The wild man has been tamed by a petite ball of curves in less than a month.”

“As if I wasn’t already having challenges. She says it’s not me she’s concerned about, it’s her.”

“You lost me.”

“After dinner, we were dancing and really getting to know each other when you called about Seattle. I explained I needed someone there to oversee things, and she suggested you.”

“That’s what I said.”

“I know, but she also said she wanted you to travel with us. She said she felt more comfortable having you with us.”


“Because she doesn’t trust herself to be alone with me.” I smiled.

Tony started choking and patting his chest. “She said what?”

“She said as hard as we may try to not let anything happen, something might happen.”

“What did you say?”

I looked at my best friend sitting on the edge of his seat. “Before I knew it, the words came flying out of my mouth. ‘Nothing will happen that we don’t want to happen.’”

“What?” He leaned back in his seat with his mouth wide open. “What did she say?”

“She just smiled. Now this morning, she’s all formal and distant.”

Tony stood up and started pacing. “Okay, we’ve got a problem.”

“You think? I’ve never been in this position. I’m trying to be cool, do as you said, let her call the shots, and keep the snake in the box. But her making this confession makes me think…I didn’t sleep at all last night. Her words and that hot body of hers kept invading my thoughts. Just when I thought I was about to get some sleep, she appeared in my dreams in that black dress, doing things that I don’t think she…”