I went downstairs. I was hoping to avoid my mom, but I knew that wasn’t possible. When I walked around the corner and into the kitchen, she was standing at the counter reading the paper and drinking coffee. I coughed and she looked up. “Morning, Sunshine or should I say Mon Amour.”

My eyes almost popped out of their socket. “Uhm…”


“Yes, please.” I sat down and she placed a tall white mug in front of me and filled it with hot, black coffee. I took a couple of long sips, hoping the hot liquid would burn my tongue rendering me unable to speak. No such luck. I placed the cup on the counter and looked my mother in the eye.

“Let’s talk.”

I swallowed hard. My insides were turning, and not in a good way. This wasn’t the jumpy, excited stomach I get when I’m with Phillippe. This was the nervous stomach I get when I know I’m about to be interrogated by my mother.

Funny thing, my dad’s the lawyer, yet my mother is much better at extracting information. Maybe she was a spy in her former life. Because no matter how thorough I am in trying to get information out of her, she never cracks. How does she know, Phillippe’s pet name for me?

I was scared to take my eyes off of her. I took another couple of sips of caffeine for courage, but I was never any good at playing chicken. “What do you want to talk about?”

“How was dinner?”

This is clearly a trick question. My mother says she never asks a question she doesn’t know the answer to. If she’s asking me about dinner, then she knows it wasn’t a business meeting, but a date.

“Good.” I tried not to smile or think about the amazing food and wine or the make out session in the private dining room. I sipped some more coffee.

“Where did you go?”

Another trap. I wish she’d just come right out and ask. But she won’t because that would be showing her hand, and she never shows her hand until she’s ready.

“I wasn’t paying attention when the driver dropped me off.”

She nodded. “Really?”


“What time did you get home?”

Okay, I know she knows the answer to this one. I sat up straight and owned my answer. “I got home a little after mi

dnight. How was your evening?…what did you and daddy do?” I tried to shift the focus onto her.

“Your dad turned in early because he had a breakfast meeting, and I sat in bed reading. I must have dosed off right before you got home.” She returned her attention to the newspaper. “Any plans today?”

My eyes got wide. How does she know about my date? I swear she has a tracker embedded in me. I sipped some more caffeinated courage and retraced my steps from last night. Then it occurred to me. I vaguely recall her coming in to my room and looking at my phone, but I thought that was a dream.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the screen. There was a text from Phillippe…Good morning, Mon Amour. Should be home late tonight. How about taking our drive and picnic tomorrow? Phillippe. Crap! Crap! Crap! Busted!

She looked at me and her gaze sent a chill through my body. “So, how much longer do you want to dance around this?”

I placed my phone on the counter and braced myself for this conversation. “What do you want to know?”

The End

The Good Girl Part Deux


Chapter Twelve


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