“You’re talking out of your…”

“I see how you are with Gabriella.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Why didn’t you kiss her?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know what it is, but I can’t get her out of my head. Even when I’m asleep, she’s

right there. Man, those curves and lips are torturing me. Then she goes and does that thing with her hair.” I rubbed my forehead. “I was cool until I got a glimpse of her thighs. Man…I keep telling myself, look, but don’t touch. I know the minute I cross that line, one of us could get hurt.”

“Or, it could be the ride of your life.”

“She’s not even my type.”

“Maybe that’s your problem…she’s different and it scares you.”

“What…get out of here. I’m not scared of that petite, innocent looking…uhm…” I tugged on my collar.

Tony shook his head smiling. “Think about it. You’re used to the model-looking bubble head.”

“That’s not true.”

“Let me see, there was Katrina, whose life ambition was to be a reality tv star. Or Gretchen. I think she said her favorite meal was skrimp scampanini.” I started laughing. “Wait a minute, and let’s not forget Amber, who signed her name with a letter ‘A’ inside of a heart. She said it was her logo.” We laughed harder.

“I get your point.”

“True, they were all fine, until you got to know them. Then they just looked ordinary. I think you stuck with Chantal because she was the first one who had a brain. Too bad she didn’t have a heart.”

I nodded. He was right. None of them could hold a candle to Gabriella. “Man, but she’s so young.”

“Not really.”

“You think I’m being an ass?”

“I know you are.”

Chapter Seven


* * *

I sat in the lobby waiting on Phillippe. I was still a little heated from last night. I closed my eyes and prayed softly. God, forgive me for acting like a child. Please don’t let me say anything that could jeopardize my job. Amen.

I needed a distraction from the drama and opened my iPad. I tried reading, but my thoughts were focused elsewhere. How is it possible for me to have developed such strong feelings for Phillippe after just a few weeks? Yes, he’s fine, sensitive, smart, funny, charismatic and…why am I torturing myself? There is no reason or explanation other than it just happened.

I should have answered at least one of his calls last night, or listened to one of his messages. I don’t like not being prepared for a meeting. Being pissed off is one thing. Being unprofessional is not acceptable.

I wasn’t sure where we were going today, so I didn’t know how to prepare. I may have, if I hadn’t been so stubborn.

Suddenly, a shadow blocked the sunlight that was shining down on me. I looked up and Phillippe was standing next to me. Crap. How are we supposed to keep things professional, if he insists on looking so freaking hot all the time?

“Mind if I join you?” I pointed to the empty chair across from me and closed my iPad. He sat down and took off his sunglasses. His cologne surrounded the intimate space. I took a deep breath and tried not to let his gorgeous face distract me. “I want to apologize for my behavior last night. It wasn’t you, it was me. My last relationship left me with a lot of scars and I’m a little…”


“Cautious.” He nodded with a slight smile. “You came in here and shook up my world. I’ve been trying to fight these feelings I have for you, but they won’t go away.” He moved to the edge of the chair. “I need you on my team, but more importantly, I want you in my life. So how do we handle this?”