Page 81 of Real Love

“She’s beautiful and she knows it. But she doesn’t realize how much she has to offer.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. She knows she has a lot to offer, she just doesn’t want to share it.” She took a sip from her glass. “My daughter saw some of the women in my family involved with married men and thought it was very glamourous. A relationship without commitment…sex without love. On the outside, it seems like the perfect situation…a man who supposedly cares about you, who is willing to do anything to be with you. The reality is, he’ll never leave his wife and once he’s done with you, you’re left alone and heartbroken.” She took another sip from her glass. “Enough about Kyla. Where do you go to church?”

“Phillips Christian Center.”

“Pastor Wayne Roberts, I’ve heard good things about him. Pick me up Sunday at…”

“I thought you and Kyla had plans?”

“I want to visit your church and I know she won’t take me.” He nodded in agreement with her. “So what time are you picking me up?”


“Perfect and we’ll have Kyla meet us for brunch afterwards.”

“It’s a date, Mrs. Henderson.” They clinked glasses.

Kyla walked back to the table and Sean stood up. “See Kyla, a gentleman always knows how to treat a lady.”

“Mother,” Kyla said sternly.

“So, let me get this straight, your dogs are dating, but you two aren’t?” Nadine asked.


“I’m just trying to figure out what’s going on. He’s very handsome, single, successful and smart. And you’re a prize for any man, yet your dogs are the ones in the relationship.”

“Sean gave me Winnie and…I don’t have to explain this.” She flagged the server.

“Yes Miss?” the server asked.

“I need a glass of champagne, please.” She remembered the promise she had made herself not to drink in front of Sean. “Scratch that. Mineral water please. Thank you.”

“I don’t understand you Kyla. If I were single, I’d be all over this fine, chocolate man.”

“Mother,” she barked. “Sean, I’m so sorry.”

He laughed. “Kyla, it’s okay. I know she’s just kidding.”

“That’s what you think,” Kyla replied. He reached over and patted her hand.

“Kyla, can’t you take a joke?” Nadine teased. “Sean, do you like macaroni and cheese?”

“It’s my favorite.”

“Why don’t you come by and join me and the girls for dinner?”

“The girls?” Kyla questioned.

“Yes, you and Winnie,” Nadine replied.

“I’d love to ma’am, but I have a meeting tonight I can’t miss.”

“Can’t you reschedule it?” Nadine asked.

Kyla knew Thursday evenings Sean went to his AA meeting. “No mother, he can’t. Sorry Sean.”

He looked at Kyla, rubbing her hand. “Tell you what, how about I come by after my meeting, around nine, unless it’s too late?”