Page 78 of Real Love

According to Antonio, this is my grandchild substitute.” She looked at her feet. “I think she likes me.”

“She only sleeps on people she likes. How was your ride?”

“Honestly, Kyla you make it sound like I’m coming from some faraway place…Westchester is just up the road.”

“Mother, let’s not start.”

She stood up and hugged Kyla. “Let’s start over. Your father and sister send their love.” She stepped back and looked Kyla up and down. “What’s going on with you?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You look different. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but…”

“Well, when you do, let me know. In the meantime, let’s go look at furniture and then have lunch.”

“Fine, but I know you’re hiding something.”

“Let me call the showroom and tell them we’re on our way.” She picked up her phone and pressed the button to Sean’s showroom. She waited for someone to answer. “Hi, it’s Kyla. I want to bring a VIP client over in about twenty minutes…we’ll be looking for sofas…good…is Simon there today…okay…see you soon, bye.” She hung up. “Mother, get your bag and let’s go.”

Kyla reached down and picked up Winnie and placed her in the leopard carrier. “What are you doing?” her mother asked.

“I’m taking Winnie with us.”




Twenty minutes later they arrived at Sean’s showroom and walked inside. Kyla opened the carrying case and Winnie jumped out.

“Kyla, don’t you need to put that thing on a leash?” her mother asked.

“No mother, this is a dog friendly showroom.”

She shook her head. Kyla walked around the showroom greeting everyone as usual.

“Hey Winnie,” said Ryder, Sean’s assistant, as he walked over and rubbed the little dog’s neck. “Hi Kyla.”

“Hi Ryder,” Kyla smiled.

“Simon,” he called out. “Simon, your girlfriend is here.” A few seconds later the cute little black terrier came running out and nuzzled Winnie’s face.

“Oh you have got to be kidding me,” said Nadine. “This is the Simon you were making sure was in today?”

“Yes Mother. Simon is Winnie’s boyfriend.”

“So we are chaperoning your dog’s date before shopping for furniture?”

“No. My dog is on a date while we shop for furniture.” Kyla turned and started walking away. “What about this one?” she said pointing to the sofa in front of them.

“It’s nice, but I’m not sure it’s right for…”

“I agree,” said the deep voice. Mrs. Henderson turned and looked at the tall, dark, athletic looking gentleman standing behind her smiling. “If you are anything like your daughter, I think you might like something a little less traditional.” Mrs. Henderson stood with her mouth open staring at the very handsome man extending his hand to her. “I’m Sean Prescott.”

“Nadine Henderson…Kyla’s mother.”

“And I thought God didn’t have favorites. How unfair to lavish so much beauty on one family,” he said, followed by a kiss on her hand.