Page 68 of Real Love

Kyla and Winnie rushed home and put the groceries up. She changed into something more comfortable and befitting her mood. In her present condition there was no chance of anything happening. She brushed Winnie and put a cheesy little rhinestone t-shirt on her that said, “Cutie Pie.” She sat on the sofa with a cup of tea and started reading one of the novels Sean sent while waiting for her date.

The doorman buzzed and she gave her okay to send up her guest. Shortly after the first buzz, she got a second buzz. “It’s about time I see a man not carrying take-out or grocery bags coming to see you,” Jerome kidded.

“Funny,” she replied and hung up the phone.

She walked into the bathroom to check her hair and makeup. She took a deep breath and waited. She couldn’t believe after all of her planning and scheming Sean was finally here, but on his terms. In her fantasy, he would have been coming over after Sunday brunch and not leaving until Monday morning.

The doorbell rang and she looked down at Winnie standing next to her and whispered, “Okay girl, seems our dates are here.” She took a deep breath and opened the door. “Hey Sean.”

His smile matched hers. She stepped to the side and Simon walked in first with a flower chew toy in his mouth followed by Sean with white lilacs in his hand.

“Good evening, Simon and I are here for dinner.” She laughed and closed the door. He handed her his jacket and she hung it in the closet next to the front door. “These are for you and Simon has a little something for Winnie.” Winnie barked and they both laughed.

“White lilacs, thank you,” she took the flowers and she started to kiss him, but held back. “Uhm, come this way, make yourself comfortable while I put these in water.” She led the way to the living room and he followed. She continued into the kitchen and he was right behind her. “What are you doing?”

“I’m helping.”

“I can do this.”

He took the flowers out of her hand. “Where’s the vase?” She pointed to the cabinet under the sink. He pulled out a tall clear glass vase and filled it with water and arranged the flowers with the precision of a florist. She stood watching him go through his routine, amazed at the fluidity of his moves.

“Moonlighting as a florist?”

He laughed. “My ex was a florist.”


“And I helped out a few times.”


“Where do you want these?”

“The dining table. Thank you.” He placed the vase in the center of the glass dining table and walked back into the kitchen. “What do you want to eat?”

“Sit down.” He guided her over to a stool to sit down.

“I have cramps, I’m not handicapped.”

“I know.”

“I can get dinner.”

“Woman, you are so hard headed. I’m your boyfriend, remember? What do you want to eat?”

“Mac and cheese.”

“My favorite. You take it easy and I’ll heat up dinner.”

She watched as he danced around the kitchen preparing dinner. He heated everything, placed the plates on the table and then joined her. He took her hand and began to pray. “Father, thank you for this meal and the hands that prepared it. I pray there is nothing in it that will harm our bodies. Thank you for this time of fellowship with my friend. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Oops, I almost forgot.” He jumped up, opened a container of dog food, and placed it in a bowl for Simon and Winnie. She laughed to herself. He rushed back to the kitchen and started eating.

“See, I told you you’d be treating me to dinner.” She smiled.

“Yeah, but don’t think you’re getting off that easy. You still owe me dinner,” he quickly reminded her.

“This is good. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” She looked over at the dogs facing each other as they munched their way to the center of the bowl.