Page 65 of Real Love

“No, sometimes we watch a movie or talk.”

“But the majority of the time is spent in bed?”


“Give me one week,” he requested.

“What can you show me in a week that will make me want to break up with…are you gonna slip up and…”

“No. Come on, what do you say?”

She looked at him pondering his proposal. “We never see each other the week I cycle.”

“Why not?”

“Do I need to get you a high school biology book?” She smiled.

“No. If he cared about you as you say, he’d make sure that week, your every need and desire were being met.”

She leaned in close. “What would you do, if I was your girlfriend and it was that time of the month?”

“I’d come over and rub your feet, cook for you and do whatever I needed to make you comfortable. It’s not fair that the week I get to impress you is the week you’re not at your best.”

“It’s the only time I can guarantee he won’t try to see me.”

“Just tell me when.”

Chapter 31

KYLA WAS DEEP IN RESEARCH when she heard something strange coming from the design floor.

“What’s that sound?” she called out. “Antonio, what is that noise?”

He rushed into her office with an answer.

“What is that?” she asked.

“It just arrived. The delivery man said the card is for your eyes only.” He handed her the small grey envelope and walked out.

She pulled out the card, began to read and let out a hearty, loud laugh. “I don’t believe it.” She picked up the leopard printed carrying case and unzipped the bag. Staring back at her was a black and camel four legged ball of fluff with a red bow tied around its neck. She picked up her phone and dialed the number on the card.

“Hello.” The deep voice responded. “I take it Simon’s girlfriend arrived?”

“Yes, she did.” She laughed. “What’s her name?”

“You tell me,” Sean replied.

“I don’t know. Winifred, Winifred James or Winnie.”

“Winnie?” he questioned her choice of name.


“Okay. So what time will you and Winnie be ready?”


“Did you read the tag on her collar?”