Page 7 of Real Love

“Good evening, Miss Bennett,” Clyde said. “Dr. King.”

Eric walked over, shook Clyde’s hand and slipped him a fifty dollar bill. “Thank you, Clyde.”

“You’re welcome, sir.”

Eric quickly caught up to Olivia as she walked out onto the sidewalk. He was curious to see if she was going to go to his car or ask for directions. She walked to the dark grey Maserati, stood next to the passenger side, and waited for him to open the door.

He opened the door and watched her legs as she climbed inside. She didn’t say anything. Instead, she put on her seatbelt and looked straight ahead. He slid into the driver's side, put on his seatbelt and started the car. A huge smile covered his face. He knew he had gotten to her.

“I’m not amused at your behavior.” He looked at her, reading her body language.

They swerved in and out of traffic until they reached their destination. He pulled up in front of a nondescript building in Tribeca. He got out, handed the key to the valet, and walked around and helped Olivia out of the vehicle. She looked around. Nothing looked familiar. This was definitely not her part of town.

“After you.”

“Where are we?”

“A friend’s place.”

“I see.” She looked around, taking note so she could call a car to pick her up.

They stepped inside and it was even worse. They rode the elevator down two flights. It stopped and opened up to a vintage burlesque club. The jazzy sounds and aromas where hypnotic. She hated to admit that she was impressed.

“Eric, what’s up?” He walked over and greeted the average height honey-colored, bald man with a close cut beard.

“Hey man, thanks for taking care of me.”

“You know how we do. Thanks for helping me and the wifey.”

“You didn’t even have to ask.” Eric’s friend looked at Olivia.

“Who’s the beautiful lady?” Dwight asked as he reached for her hand.

“Dwight, this is Olivia.”

“Pleasure to meet you.”


Dwight looked at Eric. “I’ll show you two to your table.”

“This way.” Eric and Olivia followed Dwight.

“Here you go.” Eric helped her slide into the booth.

“Thanks, man.”

“I’ll send Avery over to take care of you.”

“Thanks,” Eric replied.

Olivia looked around the club, and then back at the table. “Where are the menus?”

“I already took care of dinner.”

“Excuse me?”

“I pre-ordered.”