Page 60 of Real Love

He was very tempted, but the little voice inside his spirit sa

id, “You don’t wanna do that.” Although the lustful man inside did, the voice was right.

“No, I got the cookies for you.” Maybe Chris and Trina were right. Maybe he and Kyla were more than friends and if they were, this is the moment where he’d kiss her.

“I need to ask you a church question.”

He braced himself for her question. “What?”

“You said you are committed to God, and my boyfriend says he goes to church. Is there a difference?”

He hesitated to answer her question. He was never quite sure what her motives were when she asked these questions. Hoping this was a legitimate question about God, he answered, “Yes.”


“Some people go to church because that’s how they were raised. Some go because they feel it’s the right thing to do. They get an emotional charge, but by the following morning it’s gone. Some people follow the parts of God’s word that they like. Then there are people like me, who are committed to God and living for Him. I know He loves me, I love Him and I trust Him. God is in me, even when I’m not at church.”

“The sex thing?”

“What about it?”

“What are the rules?”

He laughed at her naivety. “It’s not illegal, it’s just that God has ordained it for marriage.”

“But with me and my boyfriend, he says he goes to church but he’s sleeping with me.”

“Is he committed to God or is he just going to church?”

“He says he goes to church.”

“Remember I told you how I felt when I slipped up?” She nodded. “If he had a relationship with God, he would feel like that every time you two are together.” She remembered how Eric proudly announced the church and God were fine with what they were doing. “Let me ask you something?”


“How do you feel after you’ve been with him?”

It was his turn to catch her off guard. She shifted in her seat, clearing her throat. “I haven’t really given it much thought. I like it and he’s pretty good at it. But when it’s over, I go on with my life.”

“So it’s really not satisfying? Did I catch you off guard?”

“Yes. I guess we’re even.” She cleared her throat and answered. “It’s nice and sometimes even more than pleasurable.”


“What’s that supposed to mean?”


“Please explain.” She reached over and dipped her spoon into the paper ice cream cup.

“Well,” he wiped his mouth, looked her in the eye and explained. “If I were him, I’d be less than thrilled to hear my girlfriend use the word nice to describe our lovemaking.”


“If someone asks, no matter how good or bad, the answer should be, none of your business or I don’t feel comfortable discussing that. Instead, you wanted to make me jealous or envious with your answer.”

“That’s not what—”