Page 37 of Real Love

“Okay then.” He smiled.

“You need to understand I will not be treated like the other woman. I am to remain number one. She’s second.”


“When I call, I expect you to come right away. And she needs to be on the pill.” He smirked. “I’m serious Eric. If she gets pregnant, it’s over. And when we’re together, no talking about her or your other life. She is simply an end to a means. And you’d better not sleep with her and then come over here to me.”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. I will not be getting her sloppy seconds. I have put too much time into training you to have some other woman benefit from it.”

He looked at her, questioning her statement. How would she know he’d been with his wife? Was being with Kyla even worth it? She was great in bed, but that privilege came with a price. He looked at her, thinking about the round they’d just had and he had his answer. She was worth it and more. “Is there anything else?”

“Since you’re getting married, I’ll be dating.”


“What we have is fun, but since you’re getting a wife, I think it’s only fair I date.”

“So does this mean you’ll be…”

“I’m single, I can do whatever I want and if that means I want to sleep with someone else, I will.”

He went into the bathroom and came back. “I don’t like it. I don’t want you sleeping with anyone else.”

“That’s not your decision to make. I’m a grown woman without any attachments.”

“It doesn’t have to be that way.”

“No, it doesn’t.” She went into the bathroom and turned the shower on.

“Kyla.” She ignored him and stepped into the shower and closed the door. “Kyla.” She turned her back to him. He opened the door and joined her in the shower. He wrapped his arms around her kissing her neck. “Baby, please, please don’t let anyone else hear you sing. Please…,” he begged pulling her closer and caressing her body. “Please…,” he whispered pressing himself into her causing her to sing. Each push made her sing louder. “Please…,” he whispered again. One last push and he joined her cries of delight. “I’ll do whatever you say, just don’t let anyone else hear that beautiful sound.”

Kyla talked tough, but she was addicted to Eric. She craved every inch of him and knew just what to say to get him riled up. He held her tight, breathing hard as he pulled away and leaned up against the shower wall with his eyes closed.

She washed him like she had so many times before. As she dragged the soapy sponge along his body, she whispered her request. “I want to see her.” Still breathing hard he couldn’t reply. She eased her hand down the inside of his thigh and grabbed his ear in between her lips. “I want to see her.”

He let out a hard sigh, “Whatever you say.”

Chapter 21

OLIVIA BENNETT WAS EVERYTHING KYLA told Eric he needed in a wife. She was pretty, well connected in New York society and eager to be married. She was the perfect showpiece.

The night before his wedding, Eric snuck out of his bachelor party to meet Kyla at their place. The things they did to each other would make an experienced call girl blush. She sent him off to get married with a smile on his face and the memory of her pleasuring him burned into his mind. While repeating his marriage vows and staring at Olivia, he was picturing Kyla.

Preparing for his wedding night, he kept stalling. Olivia thought his nervousness was cute, but he couldn’t help feeling like he was about to commit adultery. He came up with the one excuse he knew would get him out of the room.

“Sweetheart, I need to go downstairs, in all the wedding madness, I forgot to pack condoms.”

“Honey, that’s okay, I’m sure we’ll be fine tonight.”

“No. I’ve heard stories where couples thought just because it was their first time together they couldn’t get pregnant. And nine months later…I want children, but not right now. I’ll be right back.” He picked up his jacket and left.


He hurried out of the beautiful hotel suite and headed straight to the elevator fumbling for his phone.

Kyla was dining with a handsome banker, contemplating whether or not to extend the evening beyond coffee and dessert. He was charming and, unlike Eric, was available tonight to play. She brushed his leg with her foot, giggling when her phone rang. She recognized the number and pressed the ignore call button. Continuing her game of footsies, the phone rang again from the same number.