Page 226 of Real Love

Corianne kissed Kyla on the cheek. “Take your time Sis, you deserve it.” She followed Camille out to the terrace and down the aisle, smiling at her brother-in-law.

Camille signaled to Ryder, and he immediately began playing the song from Sean and Kyla’s rooftop date. Kyla and her dad stepped out onto the terrace and stood at the back of the aisle. She looked up at Sean, smiling wide.

Kyla slowly walked down the aisle, savoring every moment as Corianne had instructed her. When she and her dad reached the front of the aisle, they stood still, waiting on their directions. She looked over at Sean and he winked at her. She felt the same warm sensation she felt on the night of their first wedding. Her dad patted her hand, waiting patiently for his cue to hand her over to Sean.

“Everyone be seated. Who gives this woman to be wed to this man?” Mike asked.

Percy cleared his throat and announced, “Her mother and I do.” He shook Sean’s hand and looked at Kyla. She smiled and it was like her entire childhood passed before his eyes. Fighting the tears sitting on his lower eyelids, he kissed her hand and placed it into Sean’s and took his seat.

“Sean and Kyla, I’m going to do something a little different.” Mike walked around Sean and stood behind he and Kyla. “Now, turn around and face your family.” Mike stood to the side so everyone could see the bride and groom. “This isn’t how we rehearsed it. Aren’t they a beautiful couple?” He smiled as he looked at Sean and Kyla. “Shortly after Christmas, my beautiful wife DeeDee and I had dinner with some friends. After dinner we usually play cards, or Scrabble, or talk. But this time it was a little different. Instead of the usual, our friends had something else in mind…they wanted to get married.”

“I knew it,” Zoë blurted out.

“Me too,” Antonio jumped up and echoed.

The guests attention was split between the two hecklers.

“I’m sorry Mike, continue,” Zoë urged.

Mike looked at Sean and Kyla, and they both smirked at him. Then they looked at their family and all the surprised looks staring back at them. Kyla squeezed Sean’s hand harder.

“I’m not going to look at them while I share the rest of the story. I’m counting on you all to keep me safe.” He smiled. “I was helping DeeDee with dessert when Sean and Kyla came in and announced they wanted to get married. I wasn’t shocked, because they had already told us about the surprise we are experiencing right now. But what I didn’t realize until my wife nudged me really hard, was they meant right then.” He looked over his shoulder smiling at DeeDee. “My immediate response was no, but my wife convinced me it was the right thing to do. I know you are all probably feeling a mix of things…excitement, relief, joy, delight… at the same time, you’re a little upset because they kept it a secret. If I were sitting in your shoes, I’d be feeling the same emotions. “Who here isn’t shocked to know they’re married?”

“Me,” Antonio blurted out. “My bad, sorry Rev, continue.”

Mike looked around at all the raised hands. “Now, who here, when you heard they were dating were shocked because you thought they’d been dating a lot longer than they said?”

The same hands were still up. He turned to face Sean and Kyla and back to the guests. “When DeeDee and I first met with them, we just knew they were a couple. It wasn’t until several months later that we found out they were just friends.”

He looked around at all the smiles on the faces staring back at him. “Sean and Kyla managed to do something that takes most married couples years to do, they became friends. In fact, they’re each other’s best friend. Watching them has made me step up my game with my wife.”

“Amen,” DeeDee echoed.

“Thank you, Baby. Yes, Sean and Kyla eloped and went on their honeymoon. And yes, they could have sent an email or video message to everyone and said,“We did it,” and all of you would have been upset. Open your heart and look at it this way, they loved each of you so much, they wanted you to witness them pledging their love to each other, and that’s why we’re here tonight…to witness the next chapter in a beautiful love story.” He turned to face Sean and Kyla.

Kyla mouthed the words, “Thank you.”

“Okay, let’s get the show on the road. Sean and Kyla, turn and face each other. Sean.”

“How do I follow that speech?” He stared at his wife searching for the right words. “The first time we did this, the words came easy. Now, I don’t know what to…” Kyla gently brushed the side of his face. He closed his eyes and leaned into her hand.

“Just take your time, Baby.”

He kissed the inside of her hand. “I love you. When I look at you, I understand the love King Solomon had for his beloved. Although it was her beauty that attracted him, it was her friendship that drew him to her heart. I was hesitant to take our relationship from friends to something more, because I was scared I’d lose my best friend if it didn’t work. You know things about me that only God knows. And it’s because I trust His plans for us, that I stand here today declaring I will always be your covering, your protector, your confidant, your friend, your partner and your lover. You are my beloved and I am yours.”

“Wow,” Mike turned to Kyla. “Kyla.”

“I asked God a simple question, why me? And He gave me a simple answer, because I said so. I thought there had to be some profound reason why He allowed this to happen. Then it came to me, it wasn’t that He allowed it to happen, it’s what He ordained to happen. We met a while ago, but it wasn’t until last year that our season had come. I admire your talent. I respect you as a man. I share your faith. I trust you to keep your word. I love your spirit. But most importantly, I submit my life to

you as ordered by God.”

“That was beautiful.” Mike reached into his pocket for his handkerchief. “Forgive me. They kind of caught me off guard, again.” He paused. “Sean, take Kyla’s right hand. Sean, do you take this woman, whose right hand you now hold, to be your wedded wife, and do you promise before God and these witnesses, that you will be to her a true and devoted husband, true to her in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, in prosperity and in adversity, and that forsaking all others you will keep yourself to her, and her only, until separated by death?”

“I do.”

“Kyla, do you take this man, whose right hand you now hold, to be your wedded husband, and do you promise before God and these witnesses that you will be to him a true and devoted wife, true to him in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, in prosperity and in adversity, and that forsaking all others you will keep yourself to him, and him only, until separated by death?”

“I do.”