Page 216 of Real Love

He pulled her closer. “I don’t recall that.”

“Oh, selective amnesia.”

“What?” He tickled her and she let out a soft giggle.

“Baby, stop.” He pulled her closer. “We agreed to do the traditional thing, and spend the night before our wedding apart.”

“Was that before or after the shower?”

“Before the shower.”

“Well, that explains it.”

“Explains what?”

“Why I don’t recall making that statement.”

“So you’re blaming our sleepover on the shower?”

“Exactly. Everyone knows a hot shower makes you sleepy.” He yawned. “See, even talking about it is making me sleepy.” He closed his eyes and quickly opened them.


“I might have remembered that, had you not seduced me.”

“I seduced you?” She laughed. “I was taking a shower and…”

He covered her mouth with his, kissing her passionately. He pulled back and whispered, “I think I need another shower. Wanna join me?” He kissed her neck.

She let out a soft giggle. “I’d love to. However, we need to walk Winnie and Simon. And then, grab some breakfast before Butch and his crew arrive.”

“All of which can be done after our shower.”

“Sounds good to me, but I don’t think Winnie and Simon will agree with your plan.”

He looked over at the cute little dogs in the corner. “They’re still sleep. So we have plenty of time to…,” his statement was interrupted by the ringing phone. “Who could be calling so early?”

“Hand me the phone. Hello…yes…they are…when will it be ready…okay, uhm, tell them I’m just getting out of the shower and give me twenty minutes before coming up…thank you.” She handed Sean the phone and covered her mouth with her hand.

“Who’s they?”

She cupped his face in her hands. “Jordan and Zoë are downstairs.”


“They got in early and their room isn’t ready, and they need a place to crash until it is.”

“You’re kidding?”

“No, they’ll be up in twenty minutes.”

He hopped out of bed and hurried into the bathroom. “I don’t believe this. I thought they weren’t supposed to be here for a couple of hours?”

“That’s what Zoë said.” Kyla scurried about erasing signs of Sean.

“Man, I don’t believe this. Any other time, they would have gone to my place.”

“Baby, hurry up. The last thing we need is for you to not be dressed when they get here.”