Page 214 of Real Love

“May I suggest, booking your parents rooms here with some spa treatments, dinner and theatre tickets,” Camille suggested. “I know a great little after hours jazz club. By the time they get back, it’ll be very late and they’ll be very tired. They might even sleep in on Friday morning.”

“Honey, it sounds great to me. We would have the entire evening to ourselves. What do you think?” Kyla looked at Sean hoping for a favorable reply.

“I don’t know.” Sean was hesitant to agree to the costly plan. “We agreed to keep the wedding small and not go over budget and this is a major new expense.”

Kyla looked at Sean and recognized the look on his face. He was processing. Money wasn’t the issue. Between the two of them, they were in great financial shape. They now owned an apartment on the Upper Eastside, a loft in Tribeca, and each owned their own company and had managed to save quite a bit. The real issue was control. Even as adults planning and paying for their own wedding, they were feeling pressure from their parents to add something they didn’t want to their wedding.

“Camille, let us talk about it and we’ll get back to you later,” Kyla winked at Sean.

“How are we with the budget right now?” Sean asked.

Camille handed him a copy of the budget. “So we’d be adding an additional night in the suite plus last night, and if we do the parents thing, that’s two more single nights plus what, about five hundred dollars in spa treatments, dinner for four, theatre tickets and car service?”

“That’s correct. I might be able to help you out with some things, so it’s not so bad,” Camille tried to appease him.

“I appreciate that, but I’m not sure.” He looked at Kyla. “What do you think?”

“I agree it’s a lot of money, but our other options aren’t much better. We can stay at our respective places with our parents and hope neither of us slip up and says we’re married. I don’t know about you, but I really would prefer not spending the next twenty-four hours apologizing for eloping. Or we can tell them we got married and be guilted into inviting some extra people. Either way, it’s a no win situation, Baby. If we do it this way, we can still keep control and have the wedding we want.” Kyla patted his hand. “We don’t have to decide now. We can think about it and let Camille know later today.”

“No. I don’t want to be dealing with this later.” He rubbed his forehead. “We’re supposed to be excited about surprising our families with a wedding, not playing hide and seek.”

“Camille, would you excuse us?” Kyla took Sean’s hand and led him into the bedroom. They sat on the edge of the bed. “What’s going on?”

“Ky, this is getting out of control.”

She gently stroked the side of his face and ran her fingers across his lips. “God is gracious. That’s what your name means. Honey, you have handled our mothers with a lot of grace and patience.” She smiled. “We don’t have to do this. We’ll stick with our plan. It’ll be like Where’s Waldo.”


“Yeah, we’re Waldo and we’re playing hide and seek from our Parentzillas.”

He started laughing. “Parentzillas?”

“Yeah, overbearing parents of the bride and groom.”

He looked at her and brushed the stray hair behind her ear. “I love you.” He lifted her hand up and gently kissed it. “I’m sorry for freaking out.”

“That’s okay, I hear most brides have a melt down at some point before the wedding.”

“Funny,” he let out a deep sigh. “This circus is not what I wanted. I wanted to give you the wedding you deserved.”

“Well, if we’re talking about what I deserve, that might be a little scary.” They laughed.

“You know what I mean. I wanted to give you a beautiful wedding.”

“And you did. Our first wedding was beautiful.” She kissed him. “I’ll do whatever you want because you’re the head of our family and I trust you.”

He gently stroked the side of her face and stood up. “Come on.” They walked back into the living room and sat down. “Camille, we’re going with your suggestion.”

“I’ll make all the arrangements,” Camille replied.

“Once everything is set, call our parents and tell them this was part of the plans we made.”


“Are you sure?” Kyla asked.
