Page 199 of Real Love

Mike reached for the coats. “Here, I’ll take those.”

“Thanks.” He bent down and picked her up. “How’s my girl doing?” He kissed her on the forehead.

“Fine. Where’s Simon and Winnie?” the little babysitter asked.

He placed her back on her feet. “Look over there next to Kyla.”

“Hi Auntie Kyla.” Kyla bent down and hugged her neck, and felt a lump in her throat.

Michelle was another unexpected surprise in Kyla’s life. Michelle wasn’t like the children of some of her clients. The unruly, rambunctious, spoiled children whom she would have to see when she was at her clients’ homes. For a six year old, Michelle was very sophisticated. She didn’t like dressing down, but always wore pretty dresses and matching shoes. DeeDee said she tried to put her in jeans and she pitched a fit. Instead they made a compromise, leggings and ballet flats. Not normal for such a small child. Michelle reminded Kyla of herself at that age…marching to her own beat.

“Hi, Michelle.”

“Thank you for the books and the bear,” Michelle smiled.

“You’re welcome.” She sat down. “Those are from me and Uncle Sean.”

“Thank you. Uncle Sean.”

“You’re welcome, Sweetheart.” He walked over and stood behind Kyla rubbing her back.

“When are we going to lunch, Auntie Kyla?”

“How about a month after Uncle Sean and I get back?”

“Mommy, is that okay?” Michelle asked.

“I’ll check with Daddy, but I think it’ll be fine.”

“Can we go to Serendipity?”

Kyla looked at Sean and back at Michelle. “Uncle Sean and I thought we would do something different.” Michelle’s face frowned up. Serendipity was her favorite place. “We thought you might like to have tea at Alice’s Tea Cup.”

The little girl’s eyes instantly lit up. “Really?”

“And maybe a sleepover with me and Winnie,” Kyla added.

“Oh, Mommy, may I?”

“Let me check with Daddy.”

“Thank you, Auntie Kyla.” She hugged Kyla’s neck again. “Thank you, Uncle Sean.”

“You’re welcome, Sweetheart.” Sean hugged her.

“Sean, come out of there,” Mike called out. “Let me beat you right quick at spades before dinner.”

“Ladies, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go teach that rascal how to play cards,” he kissed Kyla on the cheek and walked into the living room.

“Auntie Kyla, may I take Winnie and Simon to my room?”

“Sure Sweetie.” Kyla handed her their leashes. “Thank you for looking after Winnie and Simon for us.”

“You’re welcome. Daddy said, if I do a good job, I can have a puppy.”

“Not exactly. He said we would think about it,” DeeDee corrected her.

She turned to the little dogs. “Come on, and I’ll show you where you’re gonna sleep. I put your bed next to mine so you won’t feel lonely without your mommy and daddy. We are gonna have so much fun. Tomorrow after our morning walk, we’re having a tea party and then…” She led them down the hall, reciting the schedule for the next few days.