Page 3 of Real Love

The server placed the champagne glasses in front of them. Olivia took a sip, placed her glass back on the table and stared at Eric. "Why would I want to get to know you?"

It felt like he was interviewing for a job. When he thought about it, he was. He was hoping to secure the position of Olivia Bennett's man. He looked deep into her eyes, searching for an answer that would convince her that not only would another date be fun, it would also be beneficial.

He inched his chair closer to hers. He gently stroked her forearm and her breath caught. He had her. He remained cool. He inched closer still and watched her reaction. He could tell she was trying to be cool, but her guard was down. She may have walked in holding a good hand, but he had all aces.

He leaned over and whispered, "You want to get to know me, because I'm the only man to make your heart race, blood boil and get you hot in places you're too embarrassed to tell anyone."

She pulled her arm away. "I...I uhm..." He sipped his champagne and watched her fidget. "That's very presumptuous of you."

"Is it? Or is it the truth?"

"I have to go."

She started to get up and he grabbed her thigh. She felt faint and fell back into her chair. "I think you really want to have dinner with me, but you're scared."

"Scared...what makes you..." She patted her chest. "I am not scared."

"But you are. You talk a good game, but..."

"Game? You think I'm playing a game?"

"I think you want to explore this, but only on your terms. Unfortunately, I'm not playing by your rules."

She looked at him and he was stone faced. "Bennett."

"Excuse me?" He knew her name, but hearing her say it was music to his ears.

"My last name is Bennett. But then you already knew that." She lifted his hand and placed it on the table.


"When did you figure it out?"

He sipped his champagne. "That's my secret. So Olivia Bennett, will you join me for dinner, day after tomorrow?"

She patted her mouth, folded her napkin, placed it on the table and stood up. "Mr. King." He looked shocked at her calling him by his full name. "I'm not sure this was a good idea. Goodbye." She walked away.

Chapter 3

Eric sat in his office trying to figure out how he messed up with Olivia. He had the perfect plan. He would take her on a few dates before seducing her. Once he seduced her, she'd be under his spell and she would volunteer to introduce him to her powerful friends. Instead, he was trying to figure out how to get her to go on a second date with him.

His mind drifted back to lunch with Olivia. It was clear she was attracted to him. It was also obvious she was afraid of the reaction he ignited in her when he touched her. This was a foreign situation for him. Eric was used to women quickly giving in to his suggestions. He needed a plan. His phone rang, interrupting his brainstorming session.

"Dr. King, your appointment is here."

"Show them in. Thank you."

He walked around the front of his desk and waited for his patient to enter. He focused on the doo

r. When the door opened, his assistant walked in first. "Doctor, Ms..."

"Bennett." He finished his sentence. Olivia walked past his assistant. "That will be all, Bryan. Thank you." His assistant closed the door.

Eric watched as Olivia strategically positioned herself on the sofa. She attempted to close the slit on her black skirt, but the effort was futile. She wore that suit for a reason. Women like Olivia Bennett are strategists. She came here for a reason, and he wasn’t letting her leave without knowing why.

He stared at her crossing and uncrossing her legs, until there was just enough fabric covering her thigh. He wasn't sure what it was about Olivia that he found attractive. Physically, she was nothing like the women he normally dated and bedded. She definitely bore no resemblance to the women at La Porte Noir. She was wholesome, sweet, and classy with a lot of sass. The way she carried on and teased him seemed out of character. That was it. She was playing a game and for some reason, she had chosen him to be her new plaything.

He sat in the large club chair across from her, staring at her legs. She may not have had the curves he was used to having in his bed, but she had beautiful legs. He crossed his legs and wondered how those legs would feel wrapped around his waist as he buried himself deep inside her. Now that she had invited him to play this game, it was just a matter of time until he would have her in his bed.