Page 1 of Real Love

Chapter 1

Eric looked around the room at the assorted social elite. He was here because it was one of the many functions his father demanded he attend. Being around this stuffy crowd was not his first choice for the evening. His plans for the evening were a lot less vanilla. His body was in the Park Avenue penthouse, but his mind was at La Porte Noir. His hand stroked the vintage gold key in his pocket that would gain him entry into Manhattan’s most prestigious gentleman’s club.

He sipped his drink and wondered how much longer he had to stay at the stale party. He surveyed the room, looking for at least one woman he could flirt with. He’d given up any hope of flirting with a beautiful woman. Most of them were the arm candy of the old rich geezers who controlled most of the city.

He looked at his watch, eight thirty. He’d only been a prisoner at this party for thirty minutes, yet it felt like hours. He left the bed of a very hot and eager woman, to come rub elbows with this boring society crew. All of this schmoozing was necessary for his practice. Eric wanted to be the go to marriage therapist for the upper echelon of Manhattan. He had visions of being a contributor on the morning news programs, as well as a host of his own radio show. However, the only way that was going to happen, was with the support of this society crowd.

He needed some air. He started towards the terrace, when he spotted a woman that could make this evening tolerable. He sipped his drink and watched the woman flirting with someone. He watched her carefully, reading her body language. Her body was screaming. Every time the guy took a step towards her, she took two steps back. She was cool in the way she danced around his attempts to get closer to her. The casual way she tilted her head and smiled was mesmerizing. She leaned in, whispered something, then the guy smiled and left.

Eric kept his eyes focused on her, waiting for her to look at him. When their eyes connected, he knew he had her. She smiled and walked out to the terrace. Her exit to the terrace was the starting bell of their seduction game. He sipped his drink and searched the room for the guy she was talking to. He looked to his right and spotted him talking with another woman. Odd. The woman he was talking to and falling over, was the opposite of the hot dish on the terrace.

He waited a couple of minutes and then walked out to the terrace. He looked around for the woman, but didn’t see her. He finished his drink, placed the glass on the table, and started back inside.

“Leaving so soon?”

He looked in the direction of the voice, and stepping out of the dark, wearing a cream colored cocktail dress, was the reason he was on the terrace.

He stopped and looked her up and down. She was definitely nothing like the women he normally pursued. This was a prize, a jewel. He knew he had to be very cool.

“I have other plans.” He smiled.

“Other plans?”

He stroked the gold key that was in his pocket. “Yes, I promised an associate I’d meet them for a drink.”

The associate was about five feet seven, with waist-length black hair, dangerous curves and a mouth and body willing to do whatever he wanted…for a price.

She walked over and grazed his arm and a shock went up his arm. “Shame,” she said as she sipped her drink.

He grabbed her hand. “Why is that a shame?”

“I thought we might get to know each other.” She smiled.

He let go of her hand, bit his bottom lip and surveyed her body again. Could it be possible this was a party girl disguised as a socialite? “Get to know each other.” He nodded. “What did you have in mind?”

“My mind is filled with several possibilities. However, I refuse to disclose any of them to a stranger.” She tilted her head and smiled.



“Olivia, who?”

She shook her head. “You have to earn my last name.”

He stepped closer, leaving only a few inches of empty space between them. “Any suggestions on how I might ear

n your last name?”

“If you have to ask, then maybe you aren’t the kind of man I’m looking for.” She smiled.

Not only was he the kind of man she was looking for, he was definitely the kind of man she needed. He felt his body writhing with excitement at the possibility of taking this wild cat into one of the empty rooms and getting to know her better.

He stroked her arm, leaned in close and whispered, “Why don’t we get out of here.”

She exhaled, and softly uttered her response. “I don’t think so.”

“Why not?”

“Because, my date wouldn’t be too happy with my leaving with someone else.”

“You mean that guy you were talking to?” She nodded. He looked over at the guy he saw her talking to earlier. “He appears to be occupied with someone else.”

“That’s business.”


She bit her bottom lip. “Yes, I told him to make nice with her.”

“Why would you do that?” A wild idea popped into his head.

“Because her father owns Printiss Pharmaceuticals, and my date needs a sponsor for his next research project.”

Eric leaned back and looked at Olivia and then it hit him. This was Olivia Bennett. Her family was very powerful and connected in New York. Having her pushing his career was more valuable than the best publicist in the city. Heck, she probably knew the best publicist. If he played his cards right, he could get her to help him.

Chapter 2

Eric stood near the front door of Cafe Milan, waiting for Olivia. He didn't want to risk being embarrassed if she didn't show. He wasn't used to being in this position. He was always the aggressor. He called the shots. He had a long list of women eager to be with him, but none of them could do for him what Olivia Bennett could do. Olivia could help him gain entry into the world of the New York Power brokers. Eric came from money, but his family lacked connections and power.