Page 186 of Real Love

“Here, let me help.” They walked into the kitchen and as Kyla loaded the dishwasher, Belinda told her stories about Sean and Jordan as children, each one funnier than the last.

Sean opened the door and the laughter was music to his ears. He quietly closed the door and took the dogs off their leashes. He walked into the kitchen smiling.

“What’s going on here?” He kissed Kyla first and then his mother.

“Your mother was telling me about the time you and Jordan got your heads stuck in the banister.”

“Mom, you didn’t.”

“I thought she would like it. Kyla you should have seem them. They wanted to see who could stand there the longest without having to go to the bathroom. When the nanny found them, she called my husband and me. We came home immediately and there they were, running in place. Turns out they had both eaten a couple of popsicles before coming up with this brilliant challenge. There they were, standing side by side with their little heads poking through the rails.” Belinda’s laughter was contagious. “We let them stay like that for a little while before cutting them loose. I’ll have to get you a picture.”

“Please do,” Kyla leaned against Sean’s shoulder laughing hard.

“Ha, ha,” Sean tried not to laugh.

“Who won?” Kyla asked.

“I can’t remember. We were laughing so hard, I don’t remember who got out first.”

Kyla’s phone rang. “Excuse me.” Sean stared at her as she walked away.

“I like her,” Belinda confessed.

“I love her.”

“I know.” She looked at her watch. “It’s getting late. Your father probably thinks I’ve defected back to the city.” She stood up and called out, “Kyla.”

“Yes.” She came back into the kitchen and placed her phone on the counter.

“I’m leaving. I had a good time and we will have to do this again. Now, you two are coming for Thanksgiving, right?”

“Mom, we haven’t decided what we’re doing.”

She kissed him on the cheek. “No pressure. I have to get used to taking a back seat to your wife.” She smiled and winked at Kyla.

“Belinda, we’ll let you know.” She rubbed Sean’s back. “Oh, here.” She reached inside the refrigerator and pulled out a small bag. “The heating instructions are on the top. Enjoy.” She handed her the bag.

“Is this mac and cheese?” she asked.

“Yes and the rest of the pound cake.”

“Thank you.” She hugged her. “I’ll see you two later. Bye.”

“Babe, I’m gonna walk Mom downstairs, I’ll be right back.”

Kyla waited until she heard the door close before leaning against the counter and letting out a cleansing breath. “Thank you God. As always, You have my back. Thank you for nice in-laws. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

She walked over to the sofa, slipped her boots off, and stretched out on the sofa. She tossed her head back and closed her eyes. She was replaying the day and meditating on Belinda’s comment about her and Sean’s trip.

Sean walked in quietly and kissed her. She slowly opened her eyes looking up, smiling.


He walked around and sat at the end of the sofa and placed her feet in his lap, rubbing them.

“Ohhh, that feels good.” She lifted her head and looked at him, smiling. “That’s why I’m marrying you…magic hands,” she chuckled.

“And here I thought it was because you liked my lips.”