Page 180 of Real Love

“I left him,” she repeated.


“Saturday…we had a huge fight and I told him Tyler and I were going to my parents for a little while.”

“Is that where you are now?”

“Yeah. He’d been calling Tyler every night, but he didn’t call last night and I tried calling him this morning, but there was no answer.”

“I’m walking out the door now. Do you mind my asking what happened?”

“No. He can’t let go of the past and I told him until he does, I won’t be back.”


“It’s the truth, Sean.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. Chris needs to grow up and learn the meaning of forgiveness.”


“Sean, I love Chris, but he’s gotten so self-righteous and pious that I can’t stand being around him.” She felt tears gathering in her eyes.

“I hear that.”

“Thank you for checking on him.” She sniffled.

“I’ll call you once I talk to him.”

“Thank you.” She pressed the button ending the call and looked over at Tyler sleeping. He looked like Chris and his sweet smile reminded her of how much she loved her husband in spite of his idiotic behavior.

Trina was right. Chris had become obstinate, pious, self-righteous and pig headed. Sean hadn’t spent much time with Chris because he didn’t want to hear any more of his foolish talk about Kyla being a bad choice for him. Faced with keeping a promise to a friend, he was forced to pay a visit to his godbrother.

He hopped out of the cab, walked inside and the doorman waved him through. Over the years his constant visits garnered him immediate entrance. He boarded the elevator and rode up to Chris and Trina’s apartment. He knocked on the door three times and waited for an answer, but there was none. He opened the door with his spare key and cautiously walked inside.

“Chris…Chris…Chris…” Alvin came running around the corner. “Hey boy,” he patted his head. “Are you here alone?” Sean called out. No answer. He walked around the apartment, surveying the mess. It looked like Chris had been sleeping on the sofa and every takeout place in the neighborhood had been there at least once. He continued around the apartment but there was no sign of Chris. He checked Alvin’s food and water, both were low. He filled both and then he checked the refrigerator. It was a little low too. He called Kyla.

“Hey wife.” He was getting her used to her new title.

“Hi husband, what’s going on?”

“I’m at Chris and Trina’s.”

“Tell Trina I’m upset because she hasn’t called me back.”

“She’s not here, neither is Chris.”

“Is everything all right?”

“Trina left Chris. She called and asked me to come over and check on him, because she hadn’t heard from him in a couple of days.”

“Whoa, back up. Trina left Chris?” Her shock was obvious.


“Is she all right? Where is she?”