Page 15 of Real Love

He couldn’t believe how flustered she was. This wasn’t the cool, sexy woman he met on the terrace. No. This was a scared little girl playing make believe. He shook his head smiling.

“What’s so funny?”


“This mess you created isn’t funny. Don’t you understand, I move in a very tight circle, and your just showing up like that last night caused a problem.”

“From where I sat, it helped a cause.”


“Your assistant said without that other bachelor, you were more than likely not going to make your goal. She said it was a good thing I called when I did.”

She rubbed the back of her neck again. “That’s not true.”

“Tell me, why did you bid?”


“Why did you bid on me?”

“Everyone on the committee was instructed to bid.”

“Was everyone also told to bid six figures?”

“What? No.”

“So why did you do it?”

“Like you said, I was running short.”

“If that was the case, my lovely, you could have written a check for the difference and no one would have known.” He stepped closer. “No, that was your way of telling that room full of people that you had a new man.”

She laughed out loud. “That is absurd.” She scratched the top of her head. “I don’t have a new man.”

“Don’t you?”

“Just because we’ve gone on a few dates, doesn’t mean we’re a couple, or that you’re my man.” He stepped closer and she grew more agitated. “You need to leave.”

“Is that what you want?”

“I will not tolerate another outburst like last night.”

“Unless I’m mistaken, you were the one that shouted.”

She started laughing. “I did, didn’t I?”

He nodded and laughed with her. He slipped his hand around her waist and pulled her to his chest. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d get upset.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I had to do something. The way Tina Cartwright was looking at you was scary.”

“Which one was she?”

“The petite, dark-haired woman down front in the white dress.”

He squinted like he was searching his memory. “Oh, yeah. She had a serious look of determination on her face.” He shuddered. “I think she’d hurt me.”

“You don’t know the half of it.” She looked around her apartment. “Next time you screw up, just buy me something from Graff.”