Page 142 of Real Love

“Come with me.”

“No. The holidays are meant to be spent with family.”

“I know. I spend Christmas with my family, and then I…”

“Wait a minute. When was the last time you stayed in the city for New Years?”

“Uhm, about ten years ago.”


“The last few years I was with Eric, and before him there was someone else and we agreed not to see each other during the holidays.”


“He liked spending the time with his kids and his…”

“Oh.” He took a deep breath. “Tell you what, I’ll make a deal with you. If you spend Christmas with me, I’ll take you anywhere you want to go for New Years.”

“Are you serious?”



“Within reason.”

“Hum…New Years in Tahiti, no Kona, oh Capri.” She looked at him. “What about Simon and Winnie?”

“We can leave them with your folks, my folks, book them into a pet hotel, or find a place that will let us bring them. What do you say?”

“Hum…hum…” She looked at him smiling. “Decisions, decisions, decisions…deal.” He picked her up and kissed her. “Then that will be our Christmas gift to each other.”

“What?” He placed her back on her feet.

“Sean, I don’t want you spending a lot of money on me for Christmas.”

“Don’t tell me what to do. I’ll get you what I want to get you.”

“Sean, I know you, you’ll go out and do something insane and that’s not necessary.”

He kissed her. “Ky, I’m not going to make a promise I probably won’t keep.”


“Let’s just say, we’ll be wise and not go overboard.”

“Deal.” They shook hands.

Knock, knock. “Come in,” Sean called out. He didn’t turn around because the smell of Kyla’s parfum alerted him to who it was. He continued working as the soft footsteps got closer to him. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed his cheek. “Hey there, girlfriend.”

He knew how much she loved hearing him call her his girlfriend. He felt her breathing change when he called her that.

“Hey there boyfriend,” she purred.

He turned around and wrapped his arms around her and gently kissed her on the lips. “I’m glad you stopped by, I need to talk to you about something.”
