Page 13 of Real Love

“Look at you. Your body is speaking volumes.” She lowered her arms and walked past him into the living room. “You know what your problem is?”

“I know what you’re trying to do.”

“What am I trying to do?”

“You’re trying to make me so angry that I’ll find you sexy, and want to sleep with you.” She covered her mouth just like she did at the auction when she called out that outrageous bid.

“What did you say?”

She quickly brushed past him to the front door and opened it. “Please leave.”

He walked over and stopped in front of her. He stared at her, reading her body language. She was angry and excited. But most of all, she was embarrassed. Not at what happened earlier, but because for the second time that evening, she let her vulnerability show. He knew if he pushed, she’d make love to him, and it would be incredible. All that hate, anger, passion and heat would make for an unforgettable night.

He felt his body writhing. He needed a release, and he knew it wasn’t going to be with Olivia, not if he wanted her to help him. He had forced her hand tonight. Everyone in her social circle knew there was a new man in her life. The amount of the bid she screamed out made that clear. But he wouldn’t embarrass her anymore.

“Good night.” He walked out without kissing her. He knew not having his lips and body pressed against her one last time tonight would be more torture than she could handle.

He heard the door slam, followed by a loud thud, and a door opening. He looked in the direction of the open door, and saw an old man standing in the doorway. The elusive neighbor. The elevator arrived and he boarded.

Chapter 7

Olivia was still very angry with herself about last night. How dare Eric think he knew her that well. Her rational mind told her not to take his calls or flowers. It was over. Dr. Eric King was a memory, a part of her past.

After her meeting, she decided to treat herself to a massage. Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to relax, because she kept thinking about Eric. She was imagining his hands massaging her body and doing things to her that no man she’d been with could

possibly do. She hated to admit that she found her verbal sparring matches with Eric very sensual and stimulating. She also knew, if he would have kissed her on his way out last night, he never would have left.

These feelings were new. No man had ever moved her the way Eric could. It couldn’t be love. It was too soon for those feelings to be manifesting. Besides, he wasn’t suitable husband material. She needed someone not so strong, but she didn’t want boring either.

After her massage and tea with her girlfriend, DeeDee, she went home. When she walked into the lobby, all of the doormen and Clyde were smiling. The hedge fund guy on ten must have given them all huge tips.

“Good afternoon,” she said to Clyde.

“Good afternoon, Miss Bennett.”

She continued to the elevator. “Nice to see everyone in a good mood.”

“Most definitely. Have a good rest of the day, and let me know if you need anything.”

“Thank you.” He released the doors and they closed.

Olivia closed her eyes and tried to meditate. This relationship with Eric was not what she wanted at this time in her life. She decided to invite him for coffee in the park and break up with him.

The elevator stopped and she exited. As she walked to her door, she noticed a white flower petal on the floor. That was strange. She picked up the petal. She took out her key, put it in the lock, turned the knob, and pushed the door open. It was a toss up between which was wider, her eyes or her mouth.

The mysterious flower petal was an escapee from the flower shop that had been erected in her apartment. She closed the door and placed her bag on the credenza. She walked into the living room and it was a sea of Spring blooms. Then she went into the kitchen, and the marble-topped island was covered in white tulips. She walked down the hall and every where she went, there were flowers. She walked into her bedroom, and the floor was covered in white rose petals. She went to the phone and called downstairs.

“Clyde here.”

“Clyde, it’s Miss Bennett. Where did the flowers come from?”

“I’ll be right up.”

A few minutes later the door bell rang. Olivia walked over and opened the door. “Hello, Miss.”

“Come in.” She stepped to the side and he walked inside.

“Smells good.”