Page 111 of Real Love

“Really?” She started walking and he joined her.

“Yeah, seems Simon and Miss Nadine made plans to hang out today.”

“You didn’t call my mother?”

“Of course not. I thought I’d tag along with you to your parents’ place.”

“What about your date?”

“She cancelled on me.”


He held up his hand. “Scout’s honor. She said she was only going out with me because her sister asked her. Turns out she has a boyfriend. I already called Ryder and gave everyone the day off…with pay. Simon and I gassed up the car and we’re ready to go.”

She walked out to the curb and looked inside the black Range Rover. “You’re serious?”

“Of course. I even brought bagels.”

She shook her head. “I have to walk Winnie.”

“We’ll join you.”

“So she cancelled on you?”

“Yeah, can you believe it? I didn’t even get a chance to show her how charming I can be.” Patting his chest.

“You are so full of…” Winnie stopped walking and her actions completed Kyla’s thought. “See, Winnie even knows you’re full of it.” They laughed.

“Winnie, I thought you were on my side.” Sean bent down and picked up Winnie’s little gift.

They turned around and headed back to Kyla’s building and stopped next to Sean’s car. Kyla put her face against the window. “What, no coffee?”

“I thought we’d grab some on the way out.”

“Is that a suitcase?”

“I wanted to be prepared in case Miss Nadine invites me and Simon to stay.” He smiled.

“Really?” She smiled. “Okay. Let me pack?”


“Yes, I was going to pack when I got home. Get the bagels.”

“Okay.” He clicked the alarm. “Do you mind, I kinda have my hands full.” She opened the door and reached inside for the bag.

“I’ll make coffee upstairs.”

They rode upstairs and Sean fed the dogs while Kyla packed. He sat at the kitchen counter eating when he heard a phone ringing. He reached inside his pocket and pulled out his phone and looked at the screen. It wasn’t his. “Ky,” he called out, “your phone is ringing.” He walked over to the table and glanced at the screen “Liar.” He called again, “Ky, phone.”

She walked into the kitchen and picked up the phone and looked at the screen. The phone rang again and she looked at Sean. She pressed the ignore call button. “I don’t need to answer that call.” She went back to her bedroom.

The phone rang again. He looked at the screen. It was the same name. “Ky,” he called out. She came back and picked up the phone. “If you don’t answer it, whoever it is will just keep calling.”

She pressed the answer call and speaker buttons and turned her back to Se

an. “Hello,” she said coldly.