Page 91 of Real Love

“Tell me Sean, how were you going to take care of Simon?”

“I was going to ask Chris and Trina to keep him.”

“Why didn’t you call me?”

“I didn’t want to…”

They walked into the bedroom and she helped him get into bed. “Relax.” He leaned back against the headboard.

“I don’t want you to think I…”

She stood up and looked at him shaking her head. “Sean, I’m your friend and this is what friends do. They help each other and if they’re ill, they take care of them. You’re my friend.”

He reached for her hand. “I know.”

“What do you want for dinner?”

“Whatcha got?”

She stood with her arms crossed smiling. “We have mac and cheese, baked chicken, lasagna, grilled vegetables, fruit salad, sliced roast beef if you want a sandwich, lamb stew, chili with cornbread. And if you behave, gelato. So what sounds good?”


“One bowl of chili with cornbread coming up.” She started walking and he grabbed her hand.

“Thanks.” He smiled.

“You’re welcome.”

Chapter 40

SEAN WASN’T USED TO BEING waited on and Kyla wasn’t used to taking care of someone other than herself. The past couple of days staying at Sean’s had been fun. They spent their time talking, playing cards, Scrabble, Monopoly and watching movies.

Feeling a lot better this morning, Sean got up, brushed his teeth, washed his face and climbed back into bed. He knew if Kyla caught him out of bed she’d have his head. He leaned against the headboard reading his Bible and praying. An hour later, he heard the toilet flushing and the shower running.

He sat quietly waiting for Kyla and the dogs. A little later he heard soft footsteps and the patter of little taps coming toward his room. He sat up straighter and waited to greet his pseudo family.

Alternating barks lead the way to greet him, followed by petite furry faces trying to hop up onto the bed.

“Hey, there boy.” He smiled as he reached over and helped Simon and Winnie onto the bed with both of them trying to lick his face. “Hey there Winnie. Where’s your mommy?” he asked, as the cute, dark, fur ball answered with a couple of barks.

“Simon and Winnie, be quiet. Daddy’s, I mean Sean’s trying to rest,” she said walking into the room. “I’m sorry Sean, I don’t know why they’re so hyper this morning.”

“That’s okay,” he said rubbing Simon’s belly.

“How’s the patient feeling this morning?”


“Good.” She stood in the doorway and crossed her arms. “I’m going to take Simon and Winnie downstairs and be back in about twenty minutes. Will you be okay by yourself?”

“Yes. I’ll get up and make breakfast.” He began to get up and she rushed to his bedside.

“No. You stay in bed and when I get back,” she gently pushed him back against the headboard. “I’ll make breakfast.”

“But, I’m tired of sitting in bed,” he protested like a child.

“Men. You are the biggest babies. Fine, when I get back, I’ll help you get up and you can sit on the sofa and we’ll watch a movie. Will that make you happy?” She pretended to sound upset. She’d been enjoying her role as a nurse and he loved teasing her.