Page 58 of Real Love

“Because it’s true. I know you love me but I also know you’re not dead.” They walked into the restaurant and sat down. Trina continued to clarify herself. “I don’t want you to feel guilty if you get a little excited. As long as you know where you belong at the end of the evening.”

“I’m sorry, I’m trying to understand but…”

She adjusted her napkin. “Sometimes looking at something you think you might want, will help you appreciate what you have. When I see a man I think is very handsome, I say, to myself, sure he looks good with his shirt off, but is he willing to stay up with a crying, irritated baby? Will he take the garbage out, walk the dog? Or will he pray with me and for me? Probably not. Those are things you do that make you finer than any man I will ever see.” She gently kissed him on the lips. A voice interrupted them and they pulled apart smiling.

“Should I come back in a few minutes?” Sean stood smiling at the couple.

“Oh man, uhm…” Chris wiped his mouth.

“Hey Miss Trina, I see you finally got this guy to bring you out on a week night,” Sean joked as he walked over and hugged her.

“I know, I can’t believe it either. And without the baby.” She countered with a joke of her own.

“Ha, ha,” Chris retorted.

“Hey bro.” Sean hugged his godbrother. Chris looked around. It appeared that Sean was alone. “What happened, did you get stood up?”

They sat down. “No, Kyla is running a little late. She’s been working on a big project and the client is a little high strung.”

“Oh,” Chris replied.

“So, why did you invite us to dinner?”

“Like we said, we wanted to meet this woman you’ve been talking about,” Trina answered.

“Uh-huh, is that all?” Sean asked.

“Man, look,” Chris jumped in. “I’m not gonna lie, we’re a little concerned about your friendship with…Kyla. We remember…”

He stopped talking when Sean’s eyes got glassy as he watched Kyla walk toward the table, absorbing all the air in the room, replacing it with her scent. Her curvy hips swaying from side to side captured the attention of quite a few men in the restaurant.

She approached the table smiling. “Hi, I’m sorry, I’m late.”

“I just got here myself.” Sean pulled the chair out and waited for her to sit down. He sat next to her and greeted her with a bright smile.

“Thank you.” Kyla replied placing her napkin on her lap.

“Do you want something to drink?” Sean asked, holding his breath waiting for her answer. They talked about dinner and he asked her to be on her best behavior. Although he found her frankness refreshing, Chris and Trina might not be so receptive. He also asked her not to order any alcohol. She told him when she’d had a stressful day she liked to unwind with a couple glasses of champagne or wine.

She looked at Sean, smiling. “Mineral water will be fine. Thank you.” He filled her glass from the bottle on the table. She took a couple sips and let out a sigh. “This project has been a little challenging. Thank God, I’m almost finished.”

“That means you’ll be taking me to dinner soon,” Sean whispered.

“That’s still debatable.” She smiled.

Trina kicked Chris under the table each time Sean and Kyla said or did something resembling a romantic couple. By the time the entrees came, Chris’ calf was sore. Trina noticed every little thing Sean and Kyla did, looking for clues to the truth about their relationship. When Kyla began eating off Sean’s plate…a classic couple’s move, she figured she had her answer.

Dessert and coffee was prime grilling time. Trina wasn’t sure about Kyla as a girlfriend for Sean, but thought she’d be a good friend for herself. She leaned over and asked Kyla, “Who does your hair? I love the color.”

“Thank you. Calvin Tish. He only takes referrals, would you like me to get you an appointment?” she asked.

“Thanks, that would be great. Is he expensive?” she cringed in anticipation of her answer.

“Depends on what you want him to do. Don’t worry, he always does a consultation first.” She reached into her bag and wrote his name and number on the back of a business card and handed it to Trina.

“Thanks. Chris would have a fit if he knew my hair costs as much as the Con Ed bill,” they laughed.

“What’s so funny?” Sean asked.