Page 46 of Real Love

“Excuse me?” He smiled. Her frankness and language was refreshing. It reminded him of his sister-in-law. “None of the women I’ve dated had complaints.”

“Exactly. You’ll have to show me sometime.”

“What?” He thought he heard her invite him to kiss her. Her phone started ringing again and she dropped it in her bag.

“The church boy I dated had magic lips. They were soft and full and he knew just how to…” She closed her eyes and started smiling. “Anyway, where do you go to church?” She took another sip from her glass.

“Phillips Christian Center.”

“Where’s that?”

“Amsterdam and Ninety-Third Street.” Since he gave his life to Christ, it was at this point his dates lost interest. Not Kyla. She was full of questions and this wasn’t a date.

“How long have you been going there?”

“Fourteen years.”

“And the celibate thing?” She put another piece of bread in her mouth.

“Fifteen years.”

She almost choked hearing his reply. She reached for his glass of water and took a couple of sips. “You haven’t had sex in fifteen years?” she asked patting her chest.

He raised the empty bottle signaling to the server to bring another one. “Yes.”

“How is that possible?”

“I’m committed to God. At first it was a little difficult, but the more time I spent with God, the easier it got.”

“Wow! I don’t know if I could do that.” She took another sip of water. “Have you ever slipped up?”

In his mind, this conversation would take place about a month or so into their relationship, not now.


Her eyes got wide at his confession. “And?” She reached for a roll, broke off a piece and put it in her mouth.

“I felt bad. It was horrible. The forgiveness from God was easy. Forgiving myself wasn’t.”

She rested her elbow on the table supporting her chin eager to as

k the million dollar question. She needed to know who could make a man as focused as Sean forget a promise he made to himself. “Was it your fiancée?”


“What happened?”

He took a deep breath and explained. “She came over to talk. It felt like it did in the beginning…comfortable, relaxed, fun. She apologized for the way things ended, we talked and hung out like we used to. Then we ordered dinner and by the second egg roll we thought maybe we could make it work. We started kissing and the next thing I knew we were naked and…”

“Wow! And then?”

Her smile got wider as he continued. All these years he had kept the details of his slip up to himself. He hadn’t even told his brother or best friend. Here he was, telling a woman he barely knew. The whole thing seemed so right and comfortable. He felt confident she wouldn’t judge him, but would understand.

“She got dressed, called me a hypocrite along with some other choice names and said she never wanted to see me again.” Kyla was hanging on every word. “I begged God to forgive me and I’ve been celibate ever since.”

“Fifteen years. Dude, you…I don’t even know what to say.”

“There’s nothing to say. At the time, I thought I was missing out or making some big sacrifice by not having sex. Like I was doing God a favor, when it was the other way around. Getting closer to Him has enriched my life.”