Page 231 of Real Love

“Why?” He had beautiful hair. Cori pictured running her fingers through it. Or imagined holding it as he sucked on…

“I thought the grey made me look old.” He smiled. “That just made me sound vain.”

She laughed. “No, it didn’t.” They continued up the steps. “How did you meet my husband?”

“I think one of his patients referred me.”

“Oh.” She needed to find out which one and send them a thank you gift.

“Okay, so will you need a space for relaxing?”

“Definitely. When I can, I like to lie out and read.”

He smiled. “And your husband?”

“When he comes out

side, he stays up here on the terrace working.”

“Well, maybe we can design something a little more romantic down around the pool...”

“Would you like some coffee?”

“No, I’m fine.”

I’ll say you are. “If we need furniture, I’ll check with my brother-in-law. He designs and manufactures furniture.”

“Oh, who is he? Maybe I’ve heard of him?”

“Sean Prescott…Prescott Designs.”

“I’m not familiar.”

“He just started doing patio pieces. I’ll send you his information.”

“Thanks. As I was saying. If you want, I can include a romantic lounge area for you and your husband.”

“That won’t be necessary.” Cori quickly covered her mouth.“I’m sorry. That came out wrong. I need to make sure the entertaining area is done first.”

“Okay. I’ll work on some drawings.”


She watched as he put his jacket on and his shirt slipped out of his pants revealing his stomach. She could see the lower half of a six pack. He straightened his jacket, tucking his shirt inside his pants and Cori had to grab the chair to keep from falling down. She desperately wanted to tuck his shirt inside his pants.

“Will you call me or...”

“I’ll call your husband day after tomorrow and...”

“Dexter will probably forget to tell me, so why don’t you just call me.”

“Okay, what’s the number?”

She walked inside to her desk and he followed her. She picked up a card and handed it to him.

“Corianne Abernathy.” He turned the card over and all of her contact information was there. “Nice. Corianne Abernathy. And what do you do?” He smiled.

“I oversee Dexter Abernathy’s life,” she joked. “I’m a housewife, but I have a degree in business administration. My husband and I...what am I doing, you don’t want to hear this.” She tucked her hair behind her ear.