Page 203 of Real Love


They walked back to the kitchen. “Is everything okay?” Mike asked.

Sean reached for Kyla’s hand. “Yeah.” He looked at her smiling and then back at Mike. “We wanna get married.”

“I know that’s why—”

“We wanna get married tonight,” Sean clarified.

“What!” Mike shouted.

“Baby, lower your voice, we don’t wanna wake Michelle,” DeeDee said calmly.

“I…are you serious?” Mike asked.

“Yes,” Kyla replied. “It’s the only thing that makes sense. For the first time in three days, I…we both feel calm.”

“I don’t know about this,” Mike questioned their request.

“What’s not to know, Honey? We’ve counseled them on their other issues, and they’ve completed their pre-marital counseling. We know they’re ready, so what’s left?”

He stood silent a few moments before responding. “A license. They don’t have a license.”

“Yes we do,” Kyla announced.

“Why do you have a marriage license?” Mike asked.

“We were going to elope,” Sean quickly answered. “Then we changed our minds and opted for an engagement party with a surprise wedding.”

“I see. Are you sure this isn’t an impulsive move out of fear?” Mike asked.

“Mike, before we left tonight, I was going to ask you to marry us before we went on our trip,” Sean replied.

“And you’re not doing this because you’re scared you might slip up on your trip?”

“Of course that’s why. And because we both have been fighting with the Holy Spirit for the past three days. We know this is the right thing to do.”

Sean made his and Kyla’s case, trying to convince his friend they knew what they were doing. Mike looked at DeeDee smiling back at him.

“Okay, seems we’re having a wedding for dessert.”

Sean stepped up to Mike and hugged him. “Thanks, man.”

“I’m honored. Let me get my book and glasses and we’ll get started.” He walked down the hall.

“I’ll be right back,” DeeDee rushed down the hall.

Sean turned to face Kyla. “We’re getting married. Are you nervous?”

She tilted her head. “No. Are you?”

“No.” He kissed her.

“Excuse me.” She picked up her bag and went to the powder room.

Mike stood next to Sean in front of the fireplace, and DeeDee pulled Kyla into the kitchen. “Here.” She handed her a bouquet of white lilacs tied with a red satin ribbon and she started sniffling. “What’s wrong?”

“The first flowers Sean gave me were white lilacs.”