Page 167 of Real Love

She was at a stalemate. She needed to see Sean and Jerome was standing in her way. She thought maybe if she changed her attitude, Jerome would change his mind and help her get a taxi.

“Jerome, would you please get me a taxi?”

He looked up at the clock in the lobby. “If you wait a couple of minutes, I’ll drive you where ever you want to go.”


“My shift is over and I’m waiting on Ted to come out of the restroom. If you just hold on, I’ll take you where ever you want to go.” She ignored him and started toward the door. The loud buzz startled her.

“What the—”

He walked around the desk and grabbed her arm. “I can see you’re upset, but I wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing I let you leave out of here at this hour by yourself.”

She stood staring at him. “Fine.”

“Now sit down and wait.” She stormed off and stood in the corner tapping her left foot. “Stop wearing the toe out on those pretty shoes.” She cut him a look. A couple of minutes later a door opened and closed, startling her again.

“Jerome, I’m sorry. It must have been that burrito I had earlier,” Ted said patting his stomach. He looked over and saw Kyla standing in the corner. “Is that Miss James?”


“Is she alright?”

“Yes, I’m going to give her a lift. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“You got it. Good night, Miss James,” Ted called out.

“Good night, Ted.”

“Miss James, this way.” She walked outside and followed Jerome. “My car is right here.” They walked down and stopped next to a vintage black Cadillac Seville.

“How did you get a parking space so close to the building?”

“Favor.” They got inside and he let the car warm up before pulling away. “When Sean left, he looked about as bad as you do. Wanna tell me what happened?”


“Okay. So, where am I taking you?”

“Duane and Hudson.” She continued staring out the window.

Jerome kept silent as long as he could. “So…”

“Jerome, please. I’m trying to hold it together right now.”

“I remember the night I asked my wife to marry me. She flat out turned me down. And two days later, when I came home from work there was fried chicken, collard greens, mac and c

heese, fried green tomatoes, hot water cornbread and a sweet potato pie sitting on the dining table.” He patted his stomach and let out a loud hum. “I can taste it now. She had bribed my super into letting her into my apartment. After eating, I asked her if she would make that same meal for me on our first anniversary. She said yes, and we’ve been together ever since.”

Kyla let out a sigh. “Nice story, Jerome.”

He smiled and patted her hand. She closed her eyes and they rode the rest of the way in silence. He pulled up to the corner of Hudson and Duane and stopped the car. “We’re here.”

She opened her eyes and looked up at the beautiful Tribeca building and then at Jerome. “Maybe I should have gotten some gelato.”

“Nah, you won’t need it.”

She opened the door and stopped. “How long have you been married?”