“What’s that?”

“I need to be going to the places he goes to. Not here. I need to be going to the social events. Somewhere he and I could actually have a conversation.” I couldn’t believe the thought hadn’t crossed my mind before. I was so dumb.

Parker made a noise, but I couldn’t tell if he was trying to say something or was just too into his comic to even care about me. I snapped my fingers in his face. “Focus, Parker. You need to help me.”

He looked at me. “Help you how?”

“You need to go to the party with me tonight.”

His eyes widened and he shook his head. “No way.”

“Come on. I can’t go alone and you know I don’t have any girlfriends. I can’t stand all the mindless chatter about makeup and hair. I’m not like that. You know I need you there.”

Parker wouldn’t let me down. He and I were too close. Had done too much together. I watched as he squirmed in his chair. “Why do you want to go? You don’t even like parties.”

“Have you even been listening to me?” I jerked my head toward the kitchen. “Lucas will be there,” I hissed.

“Yeah, with Charlotte,” he said, frowning.

True. But if I didn’t go to the party, I’d never accidentally bump into Lucas, we’d never talk, he’d never laugh at my jokes, we’d never connect on a sub-atomic level, and he’d never see me for the person I truly am. His soulmate. I kept all that to myself, though.

“And me. I’m going. And you’re coming with me.” I held up my hands in a pleading manner. “Please?”

Parker rolled his eyes but I could tell he was trying not to smile. “You’re pathetic, you know?”

“Yes. I know.”

He huffed. “All right.”

“You’ll go with me?” Excitement started to build in me. Not for the party. Yuck. I wasn’t social at all. I was a social idiot. If there was a way for me to be awkward and clumsy, I would find it. No, I was excited for the chance to spend time with Lucas outside of school and sitting in The Bread Basket. Maybe he would talk to me. Or look at me.

“Yes.” Parker disappeared behind his comic. “Although I don’t know why you bother. You should just date me.”

He said it under his breath, like he hadn’t meant for me to hear him, but the image of me and Parker flashed through my head. Me, on Parker’s arm at the party. Me, laughing at Parker’s jokes while Lucas watched. I slapped the table top and he jumped in his chair. “What?”

“Date you! You’re brilliant.”

His cheeks colored. “You heard that?”

“Yes. And you’re stinkin’ brilliant.”

“I just meant…”

“I know what you meant. And you’re right. I need to look like I’m datable. I need to make Lucas jealous.”

“That’s not really…”

Why had I never thought of that before? Jealousy totally could work. “Yes! It’s perfect. Oh my gosh, I could kiss you.”

Parker’s face deepened in color. “Uh…”

My mind reeled with the possibilities. “I mean, not really kiss you. That would be gross. But like, pretending you’re my date is the perfect thing. No one wants to date some wallflower. Someone who isn’t already dating. You’ll be my perfect fake boyfriend.” I stopped talking, mostly because I felt like I was starting to ramble. But the idea excited me. Parker and I did everything together anyway. This would be no different.

Parker just sat there, staring at me.

“Well? Say something.” I couldn’t wait forever for him to react.

“You’re nuts.” He went back to reading.